Extensions List

Linkerd provides a mix of built-in and third-party extensions to add additional functionality to the base installation. The following is the list of known extensions:

buoyantThe Linkerd Buoyant extension connects your Linkerd-enabled Kubernetes cluster to Buoyant Cloud, the global health dashboard for Linkerd.
jaegerBuilt-in extension that adds distributed tracing to Linkerd using OpenTelemetry collector and Jaeger.
multiclusterBuilt-in extension that enables multicluster support for Linkerd.
smiThe Linkerd SMI extension helps users to have SMI functionality in Linkerd-enabled Kubernetes clusters.
tapsharkWireshark inspired ncurses-style CLI for Linkerd Tap
vizBuilt-in extension that provides observability and visualization components for Linkerd.

If you have an extension for Linkerd and it is not on the list, please edit this page!