For any sound that’s longer than a few seconds it is preferable to stream it from disk instead of fully loading it into RAM. libGDX provides a Music interface that lets you do that.

    To load a Music instance we can do the following:

    1. Music music ="data/mymusic.mp3"));

    This loads an MP3 file called "mymusic.mp3" from the internal directory data.

    Playing back the music instance works as follows:


    Of course you can set various playback attributes of the Music instance:

    1. music.setVolume(0.5f); // sets the volume to half the maximum volume
    2. music.setLooping(true); // will repeat playback until music.stop() is called
    3. music.stop(); // stops the playback
    4. music.pause(); // pauses the playback
    5.; // resumes the playback
    6. boolean isPlaying = music.isPlaying(); // obvious :)
    7. boolean isLooping = music.isLooping(); // obvious as well :)
    8. float position = music.getPosition(); // returns the playback position in seconds

    Music instances are heavy, you should usually not have more than one or two at most loaded.

    A Music instance needs to be disposed if it is no longer needed, to free up resources.

    1. music.dispose();