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Buy the book! Incredibly, someone actually paid me to finish writing this tutorial and turn it into a book!

Learn PixiJS

(And it’s not just some junky “e-book”, but a real, heavy, paper book, published by Springer, the world’s largest publisher! That means you can invite your friends over, set it on fire, and roast marshmallows!!) There’s 80% more content than what’s in this tutorial, and it’s packed full of all the essential techniques you need to know to use Pixi to make all kinds of interactive applications and games.

Find out how to:

  • Make animated game characters.
  • Create a full-featured animation state player.
  • Dynamically animate lines and shapes.
  • Use tiling sprites for infinite parallax scrolling.
  • Use blend modes, filters, tinting, masks, video, and render textures.
  • Produce content for multiple resolutions.
  • Create interactive buttons.
  • Create a flexible drag and drop interface for Pixi.
  • Create particle effects.
  • Build a stable software architectural model that will scale to any size.
  • Make complete games.

And, as a bonus, all the code is written entirely in the latest version of JavaScript: ES6/2015. And, although the book’s code is based on Pixi v3.x, it all works just fine with the latest version of Pixi 4.x!

If you want to support this project, please buy a copy of this book, and buy another copy for your mom!

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