
原文:Exercise 19: A Simple Object System








  1. cpp ex18.c | less








  1. #ifndef _object_h
  2. #define _object_h
  3. typedef enum {
  5. } Direction;
  6. typedef struct {
  7. char *description;
  8. int (*init)(void *self);
  9. void (*describe)(void *self);
  10. void (*destroy)(void *self);
  11. void *(*move)(void *self, Direction direction);
  12. int (*attack)(void *self, int damage);
  13. } Object;
  14. int Object_init(void *self);
  15. void Object_destroy(void *self);
  16. void Object_describe(void *self);
  17. void *Object_move(void *self, Direction direction);
  18. int Object_attack(void *self, int damage);
  19. void *Object_new(size_t size, Object proto, char *description);
  20. #define NEW(T, N) Object_new(sizeof(T), T##Proto, N)
  21. #define _(N) proto.N
  22. #endif



你已经见过了用于创建简单常量的#define,但是C预处理器可以根据条件判断来忽略一部分代码。这里的#ifndef是“如果没有被定义”的意思,它会检查是否已经出现过#define _object_h,如果已出现,就跳过这段代码。我之所以这样写,是因为我们可以将这个文件包含任意次,而无需担心多次定义里面的东西。



#define NEW(T,N)

这条语句创建了一个宏,就像模板函数一样,无论你在哪里编写左边的代码,都会展开成右边的代码。这条语句仅仅是对我们通常调用的Object_new制作了一个快捷方式,并且避免了潜在的调用错误。在宏这种工作方式下,TN还有New都被“注入”进了右边的代码中。T##Proto语法表示“将Proto连接到T的末尾”,所以如果你写下NEW(Room, "Hello."),就会在这里变成RoomProto

#define _(N)




  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. #include <string.h>
  3. #include <stdlib.h>
  4. #include "object.h"
  5. #include <assert.h>
  6. void Object_destroy(void *self)
  7. {
  8. Object *obj = self;
  9. if(obj) {
  10. if(obj->description) free(obj->description);
  11. free(obj);
  12. }
  13. }
  14. void Object_describe(void *self)
  15. {
  16. Object *obj = self;
  17. printf("%s.\n", obj->description);
  18. }
  19. int Object_init(void *self)
  20. {
  21. // do nothing really
  22. return 1;
  23. }
  24. void *Object_move(void *self, Direction direction)
  25. {
  26. printf("You can't go that direction.\n");
  27. return NULL;
  28. }
  29. int Object_attack(void *self, int damage)
  30. {
  31. printf("You can't attack that.\n");
  32. return 0;
  33. }
  34. void *Object_new(size_t size, Object proto, char *description)
  35. {
  36. // setup the default functions in case they aren't set
  37. if(!proto.init) proto.init = Object_init;
  38. if(!proto.describe) proto.describe = Object_describe;
  39. if(!proto.destroy) proto.destroy = Object_destroy;
  40. if(!proto.attack) proto.attack = Object_attack;
  41. if(!proto.move) proto.move = Object_move;
  42. // this seems weird, but we can make a struct of one size,
  43. // then point a different pointer at it to "cast" it
  44. Object *el = calloc(1, size);
  45. *el = proto;
  46. // copy the description over
  47. el->description = strdup(description);
  48. // initialize it with whatever init we were given
  49. if(!el->init(el)) {
  50. // looks like it didn't initialize properly
  51. el->destroy(el);
  52. return NULL;
  53. } else {
  54. // all done, we made an object of any type
  55. return el;
  56. }
  57. }




  1. CFLAGS=-Wall -g
  2. all: ex19
  3. ex19: object.o
  4. clean:
  5. rm -f ex19


  • 当我运行make时,默认的all会构建ex19
  • 当它构建ex19时,也需要构建object.o,并且将它包含在其中。
  • make并不能找到object.o,但是它能发现object.c文件,并且知道如何把.c文件变成.o文件,所以它就这么做了。
  • 一旦object.o文件构建完成,它就会运行正确的编译命令,从ex19.cobject.o中构建ex19



  1. #ifndef _ex19_h
  2. #define _ex19_h
  3. #include "object.h"
  4. struct Monster {
  5. Object proto;
  6. int hit_points;
  7. };
  8. typedef struct Monster Monster;
  9. int Monster_attack(void *self, int damage);
  10. int Monster_init(void *self);
  11. struct Room {
  12. Object proto;
  13. Monster *bad_guy;
  14. struct Room *north;
  15. struct Room *south;
  16. struct Room *east;
  17. struct Room *west;
  18. };
  19. typedef struct Room Room;
  20. void *Room_move(void *self, Direction direction);
  21. int Room_attack(void *self, int damage);
  22. int Room_init(void *self);
  23. struct Map {
  24. Object proto;
  25. Room *start;
  26. Room *location;
  27. };
  28. typedef struct Map Map;
  29. void *Map_move(void *self, Direction direction);
  30. int Map_attack(void *self, int damage);
  31. int Map_init(void *self);
  32. #endif


看一眼object.c:52,你可以看到这是我使用Object *el = calloc(1, size)的地方。回去看object.hNEW宏,你可以发现它获得了另一个结构体的sizeof,比如Room,并且分配了这么多的空间。然而,由于我像一个Object指针指向了这块内存,并且我在Room的开头放置了Object proto,所以就可以将Room当成Object来用。


  • 我调用了NEW(Room, "Hello."),C预处理器会将其展开为Object_new(sizeof(Room), RoomProto, "Hello.")
  • 执行过程中,在Object_new的内部我分配了Room大小的一块内存,但是用Object *el来指向它。
  • 由于C将Room.proto字段放在开头,这意味着el指针实际上指向了能访问到完整Object结构体的,足够大小的一块内存。它不知道这块内存叫做proto
  • 接下来它使用Object *el指针,通过*el = proto来设置这块内存的内容。要记住你可以复制结构体,而且*el的意思是“el所指向对象的值”,所以整条语句意思是“将el所指向对象的值赋为proto”。
  • 由于这个谜之结构体被填充为来自proto的正确数据,这个函数接下来可以在Object上调用init,或者destroy。但是最神奇的一部分是无论谁调用这个函数都可以将它们改为想要的东西。



  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. #include <errno.h>
  3. #include <stdlib.h>
  4. #include <string.h>
  5. #include <time.h>
  6. #include "ex19.h"
  7. int Monster_attack(void *self, int damage)
  8. {
  9. Monster *monster = self;
  10. printf("You attack %s!\n", monster->_(description));
  11. monster->hit_points -= damage;
  12. if(monster->hit_points > 0) {
  13. printf("It is still alive.\n");
  14. return 0;
  15. } else {
  16. printf("It is dead!\n");
  17. return 1;
  18. }
  19. }
  20. int Monster_init(void *self)
  21. {
  22. Monster *monster = self;
  23. monster->hit_points = 10;
  24. return 1;
  25. }
  26. Object MonsterProto = {
  27. .init = Monster_init,
  28. .attack = Monster_attack
  29. };
  30. void *Room_move(void *self, Direction direction)
  31. {
  32. Room *room = self;
  33. Room *next = NULL;
  34. if(direction == NORTH && room->north) {
  35. printf("You go north, into:\n");
  36. next = room->north;
  37. } else if(direction == SOUTH && room->south) {
  38. printf("You go south, into:\n");
  39. next = room->south;
  40. } else if(direction == EAST && room->east) {
  41. printf("You go east, into:\n");
  42. next = room->east;
  43. } else if(direction == WEST && room->west) {
  44. printf("You go west, into:\n");
  45. next = room->west;
  46. } else {
  47. printf("You can't go that direction.");
  48. next = NULL;
  49. }
  50. if(next) {
  51. next->_(describe)(next);
  52. }
  53. return next;
  54. }
  55. int Room_attack(void *self, int damage)
  56. {
  57. Room *room = self;
  58. Monster *monster = room->bad_guy;
  59. if(monster) {
  60. monster->_(attack)(monster, damage);
  61. return 1;
  62. } else {
  63. printf("You flail in the air at nothing. Idiot.\n");
  64. return 0;
  65. }
  66. }
  67. Object RoomProto = {
  68. .move = Room_move,
  69. .attack = Room_attack
  70. };
  71. void *Map_move(void *self, Direction direction)
  72. {
  73. Map *map = self;
  74. Room *location = map->location;
  75. Room *next = NULL;
  76. next = location->_(move)(location, direction);
  77. if(next) {
  78. map->location = next;
  79. }
  80. return next;
  81. }
  82. int Map_attack(void *self, int damage)
  83. {
  84. Map* map = self;
  85. Room *location = map->location;
  86. return location->_(attack)(location, damage);
  87. }
  88. int Map_init(void *self)
  89. {
  90. Map *map = self;
  91. // make some rooms for a small map
  92. Room *hall = NEW(Room, "The great Hall");
  93. Room *throne = NEW(Room, "The throne room");
  94. Room *arena = NEW(Room, "The arena, with the minotaur");
  95. Room *kitchen = NEW(Room, "Kitchen, you have the knife now");
  96. // put the bad guy in the arena
  97. arena->bad_guy = NEW(Monster, "The evil minotaur");
  98. // setup the map rooms
  99. hall->north = throne;
  100. throne->west = arena;
  101. throne->east = kitchen;
  102. throne->south = hall;
  103. arena->east = throne;
  104. kitchen->west = throne;
  105. // start the map and the character off in the hall
  106. map->start = hall;
  107. map->location = hall;
  108. return 1;
  109. }
  110. Object MapProto = {
  111. .init = Map_init,
  112. .move = Map_move,
  113. .attack = Map_attack
  114. };
  115. int process_input(Map *game)
  116. {
  117. printf("\n> ");
  118. char ch = getchar();
  119. getchar(); // eat ENTER
  120. int damage = rand() % 4;
  121. switch(ch) {
  122. case -1:
  123. printf("Giving up? You suck.\n");
  124. return 0;
  125. break;
  126. case 'n':
  127. game->_(move)(game, NORTH);
  128. break;
  129. case 's':
  130. game->_(move)(game, SOUTH);
  131. break;
  132. case 'e':
  133. game->_(move)(game, EAST);
  134. break;
  135. case 'w':
  136. game->_(move)(game, WEST);
  137. break;
  138. case 'a':
  139. game->_(attack)(game, damage);
  140. break;
  141. case 'l':
  142. printf("You can go:\n");
  143. if(game->location->north) printf("NORTH\n");
  144. if(game->location->south) printf("SOUTH\n");
  145. if(game->location->east) printf("EAST\n");
  146. if(game->location->west) printf("WEST\n");
  147. break;
  148. default:
  149. printf("What?: %d\n", ch);
  150. }
  151. return 1;
  152. }
  153. int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  154. {
  155. // simple way to setup the randomness
  156. srand(time(NULL));
  157. // make our map to work with
  158. Map *game = NEW(Map, "The Hall of the Minotaur.");
  159. printf("You enter the ");
  160. game->location->_(describe)(game->location);
  161. while(process_input(game)) {
  162. }
  163. return 0;
  164. }


  • 实现一个原型涉及到创建它的函数版本,以及随后创建一个以“Proto”结尾的单一结构体。请参照MonsterProtoRoomProtoMapProto
  • 由于Object_new的实现方式,如果你没有在你的原型中设置一个函数,它会获得在object.c中创建的默认实现。
  • Map_init中我创建了一个微型世界,然而更重要的是我使用了object.h中的NEW宏来创建全部对象。要把这一概念记在脑子里,可以试着把使用NEW的地方替换成Object_new的直接调用,来观察它如何被替换。
  • 使用这些对象涉及到在它们上面调用函数,_(N)为我做了这些事情。如果你观察代码monster->_(attack)(monster, damage),你会看到我使用了宏将其替换成monster->proto.attack(monster, damage)。通过重新将这些调用写成原始形式来再次学习这个转换。另外,如果你被卡住了,手动运行cpp来查看究竟发生了什么。
  • 我使用了两个新的函数srandrand,它们可以设置一个简单的随机数生成器,对于游戏已经够用了。我也使用了time来初始化随机数生成器。试着研究它们。
  • 我使用了一个新的函数getchar来从标准输入中读取单个字符。试着研究它。



  1. $ make ex19
  2. cc -Wall -g -c -o object.o object.c
  3. cc -Wall -g ex19.c object.o -o ex19
  4. $ ./ex19
  5. You enter the The great Hall.
  6. > l
  7. You can go:
  8. NORTH
  9. > n
  10. You go north, into:
  11. The throne room.
  12. > l
  13. You can go:
  14. SOUTH
  15. EAST
  16. WEST
  17. > e
  18. You go east, into:
  19. Kitchen, you have the knife now.
  20. > w
  21. You go west, into:
  22. The throne room.
  23. > s
  24. You go south, into:
  25. The great Hall.
  26. > n
  27. You go north, into:
  28. The throne room.
  29. > w
  30. You go west, into:
  31. The arena, with the minotaur.
  32. > a
  33. You attack The evil minotaur!
  34. It is still alive.
  35. > a
  36. You attack The evil minotaur!
  37. It is dead!
  38. > ^D
  39. Giving up? You suck.
  40. $



  • 查看你定义的每个函数,一次一个文件。
  • 在每个函数的最上面,添加assert来保证参数正确。例如在Object_new中要添加assert(description != NULL)
  • 浏览函数的每一行,找到所调用的任何函数。阅读它们的文档(或手册页),确认它们在错误下返回什么。添加另一个断言来检查错误是否发生。例如,Object_new在调用calloc之后应该进行assert(el != NULL)的检查。
  • 如果函数应该返回一个值,也确保它返回了一个错误值(比如NULL),或者添加一个断言来确保返回值是有效的。例如,Object_new中,你需要在最后的返回之前添加assert(el != NULL),由于它不应该为NULL
  • 对于每个你编写的if语句,确保都有对应的else语句,除非它用于错误检查并退出。
  • 对于每个你编写的switch语句,确保都有一个default分支,来处理非预期的任何情况。



  • 修改Makefile文件,使之在执行make clean时能够同时清理object.o
  • 编写一个测试脚本,能够以多种方式来调用该游戏,并且扩展Makefile使之能够通过运行make test来测试该游戏。
  • 在游戏中添加更多房间和怪物。
  • 把游戏的逻辑放在其它文件中,并把它编译为.o。然后,使用它来编写另一个小游戏。如果你正确编写的话,你会在新游戏中创建新的Mapmain函数。