
If you want to change the default configurations, please run the following command to generate configuration files swoole_http.php and swoole_websocket.php in directory /config:

  1. $ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-swoole

For Lumen users, you need to copy those files to config folder and register them in bootstrap/app.php manually.


server.hostServer listening host address
server.portServer listening port
public_pathPublic folder path of your project
handle_static_filesDetermine if to use Swoole to respond request for static files. (You should use Nginx to handle static files instead.)
access_logDetermine if to output access logs on the console.
server.optionsThe configurations for Swoole\Server. To get more information about swoole server, please read the official documentation
websocket.enabledDetermine if to enable websocket server
hot_reload.enabledDetermine if to enable hot-reload for develop.
hot_reload.recursivelyDetermine if to scan the directories recursively.
hot_reload.directoryThe base path for hot-reload.
hot_reload.logDetermine if to output the reload status on console.
hot_reload.filterThe filter for hot-reload. Default is .php.
ob_outputConsole output will be transfered to response content if enabled.
pre_resolvedPre-resolved instances here will be resolved when sandbox created.
instancesInstances here will be cleared on every request.
providersService providers here will be re-registered on every request.
tablesYou are able to define your swoole tables for data sharing cross processes here.

Here are some examples:

  1. [
  2. 'server' => [
  3. // Options here will pass to Swoole server's configuration directly
  4. 'options' => [
  5. 'max_request' => 1000,
  6. // You can run your application in deamon
  7. 'daemonize' => env('SWOOLE_HTTP_DAEMONIZE', false),
  8. // Normally this value should be 1~4 times lager according to your cpu cores
  9. 'reactor_num' => env('SWOOLE_HTTP_REACTOR_NUM', swoole_cpu_num() * 2),
  10. 'worker_num' => env('SWOOLE_HTTP_WORKER_NUM', swoole_cpu_num() * 2),
  11. 'task_worker_num' => env('SWOOLE_HTTP_TASK_WORKER_NUM', swoole_cpu_num() * 2),
  12. // This value should be larger than `post_max_size` and `upload_max_filesize` in `php.ini`.
  13. // This equals to 10 MB
  14. 'package_max_length' => 10 * 1024 * 1024,
  15. 'buffer_output_size' => 10 * 1024 * 1024,
  16. // Max buffer size for socket connections
  17. 'socket_buffer_size' => 128 * 1024 * 1024,
  18. // Worker will restart after processing this number of request
  19. 'max_request' => 3000,
  20. // Enable coroutine send
  21. 'send_yield' => true,
  22. // You must add --enable-openssl while compiling Swoole
  23. 'ssl_cert_file' => null,
  24. 'ssl_key_file' => null,
  25. ],
  26. ],
  28. // You can customize your swoole tables here.
  29. // See for more detailed information.
  30. 'tables' => [
  31. 'table_name' => [
  32. 'size' => 1024,
  33. 'columns' => [
  34. ['name' => 'column_name', 'type' => Table::TYPE_STRING, 'size' => 1024],
  35. ]
  36. ],
  37. ]
  38. ]


handlerWebsocket handler for onOpen and onClose callback function
parserDefault websocket frame parser
route_fileWebsocket route file path
defaultDefault websocket room driver
middlewareDefault middleware for on connect request
ping_intervalWebsocket client's heartbeat interval (ms)
ping_timeoutWebsocket client's heartbeat interval timeout (ms)
driversRoom drivers mapping
settingsRoom drivers settings

Here are some examples:

  1. [
  2. // Replace this handler if you want to customize your websocket handler
  3. 'handler' => SwooleTW\Http\Websocket\SocketIO\WebsocketHandler::class,
  4. // Replace it if you want to customize your websocket payload
  5. 'parser' => SwooleTW\Http\Websocket\SocketIO\SocketIOParser::class,
  7. // You can register your websocket event mapping in this route file
  8. 'route_file' => base_path('routes/websocket.php'),
  10. // Default middleware for on connect request
  11. 'middleware' => [
  12. SwooleTW\Http\Websocket\Middleware\DecryptCookies::class,
  13. SwooleTW\Http\Websocket\Middleware\StartSession::class,
  14. SwooleTW\Http\Websocket\Middleware\Authenticate::class,
  15. ],
  17. // Default room driver, it's `table`(swoole table) by default
  18. 'default' => 'table',
  20. // Don't forget to add the driver mapping here if you want to use your own driver
  21. 'drivers' => [
  22. 'table' => SwooleTW\Http\Websocket\Rooms\TableRoom::class,
  23. 'redis' => SwooleTW\Http\Websocket\Rooms\RedisRoom::class,
  24. ],
  26. // Room driver's settings
  27. 'settings' => [
  28. // Memory of swoole table is allocated in the very begining of the process.
  29. // You can't modify it after starting server.
  30. // So you should set them to proper values
  31. 'table' => [
  32. 'room_rows' => 4096,
  33. 'room_size' => 2048,
  34. 'client_rows' => 8192,
  35. 'client_size' => 2048
  36. ],
  37. 'redis' => [
  38. 'server' => [
  39. 'host' => env('REDIS_HOST', ''),
  40. 'password' => env('REDIS_PASSWORD', null),
  41. 'port' => env('REDIS_PORT', 6379),
  42. 'database' => 0,
  43. 'persistent' => true,
  44. ],
  45. 'options' => [
  46. //
  47. ],
  48. 'prefix' => 'swoole:',
  49. ]
  50. ],
  51. ]