General notes about Kuma policies

New to Kuma? You don’t need this, check TargetRef policies instead.

Policies applied to data plane proxies all follow the same basic structure:

  1. sources:
  2. - match:
  3. ... # unique name OR '*'
  4. ... # (optionally) other tags
  5. destinations:
  6. - match:
  7. ... # unique name OR '*'
  8. ... # (optionally) other tags
  9. conf:
  10. ... # policy-specific configuration
  • sources - list of selectors that specify the dataplane objects where network traffic originates
  • destinations - list of selectors that specify the dataplane object the source traffic is sent to
  • conf - configuration to apply to network traffic between sources and destinations

Kuma assumes that every dataplane object represents a service, even if it’s a cron job that doesn’t normally handle incoming traffic. This means the tag is required for sources and destinations. Note the following requirements for values:

  • The wildcard character (*) is supported only as the selector value to match all traffic.
  • Tag values can contain only alphanumeric characters, dots (.), dashes (-), colons (:), and underscores (_).
  • Selector values can contain only alphanumeric characters, dots (.), dashes (-), colons (:), underscores (_). slashes (/).

Tag and selector names can contain only alphanumeric characters, dots (.), dashes (-), colons (:), underscores (_), and slashes (/).

All policies support arbitrary tags for the sources selector, but there are tag limitations for the destinations selector. For example, policies that are applied on the client side of a connection between two dataplane objects do not support arbitrary tags in the destinations selector. Only the tag is supported in this case. This includes TrafficRoute, TrafficLog, and HealthCheck.

For example, this policy applies to all network traffic between all dataplane objects:

  1. sources:
  2. - match:
  3. '*'
  4. destinations:
  5. - match:
  6. '*'
  7. conf:
  8. ...

This policy applies only to network traffic between dataplane objects for the specified services:

  1. sources:
  2. - match:
  3. web
  4. destinations:
  5. - match:
  6. backend
  7. conf:
  8. ...

You can provide additional tags to further limit policy scope:

  1. sources:
  2. - match:
  3. web
  4. cloud: aws
  5. region: us
  6. destinations:
  7. - match:
  8. backend
  9. version: v2 # notice that not all policies support arbitrary tags in `destinations` selectors
  10. conf:
  11. ...