KubeVirt Tekton


Deploying SSP

SSP is a Golang based operator, which takes care of deploying kubevirt-tekton-tasks and example pipelines.

SSP is shipped as a part of hyperconverged-cluster-operator or it can be deployed as a stand-alone operator from the latest release.

Note: SSP requires Tekton to work.

SSP does not deploy KubeVirt Tekton tasks resources by default.

You have to enable deployTektonTaskResources feature gate in HCO CR to deploy all its resources:

  1. apiVersion: hco.kubevirt.io/v1beta1
  2. kind: HyperConverged
  3. metadata:
  4. name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
  5. namespace: kubevirt-hyperconverged
  6. spec:
  7. featureGates:
  8. deployTektonTaskResources: true

or in SSP CR:

  1. apiVersion: ssp.kubevirt.io/v1beta2
  2. kind: SSP
  3. metadata:
  4. name: ssp
  5. namespace: kubevirt
  6. spec:
  7. featureGates:
  8. deployTektonTaskResources: true

or you can use this command to enable deployTektonTaskResources feature gate in HCO CR

  1. oc patch hco kubevirt-hyperconverged --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"featureGates": {"deployTektonTaskResources": true}}}'

or by applying a patch on an existing SSP CR:

  1. oc patch ssp ssp --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"featureGates": {"deployTektonTaskResources": true}}}'

Note: Once spec.featureGates.deployTektonTaskResources is set to true, SSP will not delete any tasks or pipeline examples even if it is reverted back to false.

KubeVirt Tekton tasks

What are KubeVirt Tekton tasks?

KubeVirt-specific Tekton tasks, which are focused on:

  • Creating and managing resources (VMs, DataVolumes)
  • Executing commands in VMs
  • Manipulating disk images with libguestfs tools

Existing tasks

Create Virtual Machines

  • create-vm-from-manifest - create a VM from provided manifest or with virtctl.
  • create-vm-from-template - create a VM from template (works only on OpenShift).

Utilize Templates

  • copy-template - Copies the given template and creates a new one (works only on OpenShift).
  • modify-vm-template - Modifies a template with user provided data (works only on OpenShift).

Modify Data Objects

  • modify-data-object - Creates / modifies / deletes a datavolume / datasource

Generate SSH Keys

  • generate-ssh-keys - Generates a private and public key pair, and injects it into a VM.

Execute commands in Virtual Machines

  • execute-in-vm - Execute commands over SSH in a VM.
  • cleanup-vm - Execute commands and/or stop/delete VMs.

Manipulate PVCs with libguestfs tools

  • disk-virt-customize - execute virt-customize commands in PVCs.
  • disk-virt-sysprep- execute virt-sysprep commands in PVCs.

Wait for Virtual Machine Instance Status

  • wait-for-vmi-status - Waits for a VMI to be running.

Modify Windows iso

  • modify-windows-iso-file - modifies windows iso (replaces prompt bootloader with no-prompt bootloader) and replaces original iso in PVC with updated one. This helps with automated installation of Windows in EFI boot mode. By default Windows in EFI boot mode uses a prompt bootloader, which will not continue with the boot process until a key is pressed. By replacing it with the non-prompt bootloader no key press is required to boot into the Windows installer.

Example pipeline

All these tasks can be used for creating pipelines. SSP is creating multiple example pipelines, e.g.:

  • Windows BIOS installer - Pipeline will prepare a template and Windows datavolume vith virtio drivers installed. User has to provide a link to working Windows 10 iso file. Pipeline is suitable for Windows versions, which uses BIOS. More informations about pipeline can be found here

  • Windows efi installer - Pipeline will prepare a template and Windows 11/2k22 datavolume vith virtio drivers installed. User has to provide a link to working Windows 11/2k22 iso file. Pipeline is suitable for Windows versions, which requires EFI (e.g. Windows 11/2k22). More informations about pipeline can be found here

  • Windows customize - Pipeline will install SQL server or VS Code in Windows VM. More informations about pipeline can be found here

Using tasks and example pipelines in different namespace

You can set in which namespace the example pipelines and tasks will be deployed by setting spec.tektonPipelinesNamespace or spec.tektonTasksNamespacein the HCO CR:

  1. apiVersion: hco.kubevirt.io/v1beta1
  2. kind: HyperConverged
  3. metadata:
  4. name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
  5. namespace: kubevirt-hyperconverged
  6. spec:
  7. tektonPipelinesNamespace: userNamespace
  8. tektonTasksNamespace: userNamespace

or in SSP CR by setting spec.tektonPipelines.namespace or spec.tektonTasks.namespace:

  1. apiVersion: ssp.kubevirt.io/v1beta2
  2. kind: SSP
  3. metadata:
  4. name: ssp
  5. namespace: kubevirt
  6. spec:
  7. tektonPipelines:
  8. namespace: kubevirt
  9. tektonTasks:
  10. namespace: kubevirt


  • The namespace has to exists before doing this change.

  • If you define different namespace for pipelines and different namespace for tasks, you will have to create cluster resolver object.

  • In case you change the tektonPipelinesNamespace attribute, the pipelines will be deployed in that namespace.

  • By default, example pipelines create the result datavolume in kubevirt-os-images.

  • In case you would like to create result datavolume in different namespace (by specifying baseDvNamespace attribute in pipeline), there will be required additional RBAC permissions (list of all required RBAC permissions can be found here).