Version: v1.1

Alibaba Cloud ACK


Terraform configuration for Alibaba Cloud ACK cluster


  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: Application
  3. metadata:
  4. name: ack-cloud-source
  5. spec:
  6. components:
  7. - name: ack-cluster
  8. type: alibaba-ack
  9. properties:
  10. writeConnectionSecretToRef:
  11. name: ack-conn
  12. namespace: vela-system



k8s_worker_numberThe number of worker nodes in kubernetes cluster.numberfalse
zone_idAvailability Zone IDstringfalse
node_cidr_maskThe node cidr block to specific how many pods can run on single node. Valid values: [24-28].numberfalse
proxy_modeProxy mode is option of kube-proxy. Valid values: ‘ipvs’,’iptables’. Default to ‘iptables’.stringfalse
passwordThe password of ECS instance.stringfalse
k8s_versionThe version of the kubernetes version. Valid values: ‘1.16.6-aliyun.1’,’1.14.8-aliyun.1’. Default to ‘1.16.6-aliyun.1’.stringfalse
memory_sizeMemory size used to fetch instance types.numberfalse
vpc_cidrThe cidr block used to launch a new vpc when ‘vpc_id’ is not specified.stringfalse
vswitch_cidrsList of cidr blocks used to create several new vswitches when ‘vswitch_ids’ is not specified.listfalse
master_instance_typesThe ecs instance types used to launch master nodes.listfalse
worker_instance_typesThe ecs instance types used to launch worker nodes.listfalse
install_cloud_monitorInstall cloud monitor agent on ECS.boolfalse
k8s_service_cidrThe kubernetes service cidr block. It cannot be equals to vpc’s or vswitch’s or pod’s and cannot be in them.stringfalse
cpu_core_countCPU core count is used to fetch instance types.numberfalse
vpc_nameThe vpc name used to create a new vpc when ‘vpc_id’ is not specified. Default to variable example_namestringfalse
vswitch_name_prefixThe vswitch name prefix used to create several new vswitches. Default to variable ‘example_name’.stringfalse
number_formatThe number format used to output.stringfalse
vswitch_idsList of existing vswitch id.listfalse
k8s_name_prefixThe name prefix used to create several kubernetes clusters. Default to variable example_namestringfalse
new_nat_gatewayWhether to create a new nat gateway. In this template, a new nat gateway will create a nat gateway, eip and server snat entries.boolfalse
enable_sshEnable login to the node through SSH.boolfalse
cpu_policykubelet cpu policy. Valid values: ‘none’,’static’. Default to ‘none’.stringfalse
k8s_pod_cidrThe kubernetes pod cidr block. It cannot be equals to vpc’s or vswitch’s and cannot be in them.stringfalse
writeConnectionSecretToRefThe secret which the cloud resource connection will be written towriteConnectionSecretToReffalse


nameThe secret name which the cloud resource connection will be written tostringfalse
namespaceThe secret namespace which the cloud resource connection will be written tostringfalse


If writeConnectionSecretToRef is set, a secret will be generated with these keys as below:

nameACK Kubernetes cluster name
kubeconfigThe KubeConfig string for the ACK Kubernetes cluster