Version: v1.0


To achieve best user experience for your platform, we recommend platform builders to create simple and user friendly UI for end users instead of exposing full platform level details to them. Some common practices include building GUI console, adopting DSL, or creating a user friendly command line tool.

As an proof-of-concept of building developer experience with KubeVela, we developed a client-side tool named Appfile as well. This tool enables developers to deploy any application with a single file and a single command: vela up.

Now let’s walk through its experience.

Step 1: Install

Make sure you have finished and verified the installation following this guide.

Step 2: Deploy Your First Application

  1. $ vela up -f
  2. Parsing vela.yaml ...
  3. Loading templates ...
  4. Rendering configs for service (testsvc)...
  5. Writing deploy config to (.vela/deploy.yaml)
  6. Applying deploy configs ...
  7. Checking if app has been deployed...
  8. App has not been deployed, creating a new deployment...
  9. App has been deployed 🚀🚀🚀
  10. Port forward: vela port-forward first-vela-app
  11. SSH: vela exec first-vela-app
  12. Logging: vela logs first-vela-app
  13. App status: vela status first-vela-app
  14. Service status: vela status first-vela-app --svc testsvc

Check the status until we see Routes are ready:

  1. $ vela status first-vela-app
  2. About:
  3. Name: first-vela-app
  4. Namespace: default
  5. Created at: ...
  6. Updated at: ...
  7. Services:
  8. - Name: testsvc
  9. Type: webservice
  10. HEALTHY Ready: 1/1
  11. Last Deployment:
  12. Created at: ...
  13. Updated at: ...
  14. Traits:
  15. - ingress: Visiting URL:, IP: <your IP address>

In kind cluster setup, you can visit the service via localhost. In other setups, replace localhost with ingress address accordingly.

  1. $ curl -H "" http://localhost/
  2. <xmp>
  3. Hello World
  4. ## .
  5. ## ## ## ==
  6. ## ## ## ## ## ===
  7. /""""""""""""""""\___/ ===
  8. ~~~ {~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ / ===- ~~~
  9. \______ o _,/
  10. \ \ _,'
  11. `'--.._\..--''
  12. </xmp>

Voila! You are all set to go.

What’s Next

  • Learn details about Appfile and know how it works.