Workflow Operations

This section introduces how to use the vela CLI to operate workflow.

If you have an executing workflow, you can use the suspend command to suspend the workflow.

  1. vela workflow suspend <name>

Workflow Operations - 图1tip

Nothing will happen if you suspend an application that has a completed workflow, which is in running status. Please refer to Suspend and Resume for more examples.

Once the workflow is suspended, you can use the vela workflow resume command to manually resume the workflow.

  1. vela workflow resume <name>

Workflow Operations - 图2tip

Please refer to Suspend and Resume for more examples.

You can use vela workflow terminate to terminate an executing workflow.

  1. vela workflow terminate <name>

Workflow Operations - 图3tip

Different from suspend, the terminated workflow can’t be resumed, you can only restart the workflow. This means restart the workflow will execute the workflow steps from scratch while resume workflow only continue the unfinished steps.

Workflow Operations - 图4caution

Once application workflow is terminated, KubeVela controller won’t reconcile the application resources. It can also be used in some cases when you want to manually operate the underlying resources, please caution the configuration drift.

You can use vela workflow restart to restart an executing workflow.

  1. vela workflow restart my-app

You can use vela workflow logs to check the logs of the workflow.

Workflow Operations - 图5tip

Note that only the steps with op.#Log in its definition will output logs.

  1. vela workflow logs <name>

You can use vela workflow debug to debug the workflow.

  1. vela workflow debug <name>

Workflow Operations - 图6tip

Please checkout the Debug doc for more examples.

Last updated on Aug 4, 2023 by Daniel Higuero