This addon is built based FluxCD
vela addon enable fluxcd
If you only want to deploy the helm application with fluxcd addon, you can execute the following command to enable only helm related components.
$ vela addon enable fluxcd onlyHelmComponents=true
The following definitions will be enabled after the installation of fluxcd addon.
helm | ComponentDefinition | helps to deploy a helm chart from git repo, helm repo or S3 compatible bucket |
kustomize | ComponentDefinition | helps to deploy a kustomize style artifact and GitOps capability to watch changes from git repo or image registry |
kustomize-json-patch | TraitDefinition | A list of JSON6902 patch to selected target |
kustomize-patch | TraitDefinition | A list of StrategicMerge or JSON6902 patch to selected target |
kustomize-strategy-merge | TraitDefinition | A list of strategic merge to kustomize config |
Parameters | Description | Example |
repoType | required, indicates the type of repository, should be “helm”,”git”, “oss”, or “oci”. | Helm |
pullInterval | optional, the interval at which to check for repository/bucket and release updates, default to 5m | 5m |
url | required, the Git or Helm repository URL, OSS endpoint, accept HTTP/S or SSH address as git url | https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami |
secretRef | optional, the name of the Secret object that holds the credentials required to pull the repo. The username and password fields must be included in the HTTP/S basic authentication Secret. For TLS the secret must contain a certFile and keyFile, and/or caCert fields. For TLS authentication, the secret must contain a certFile / keyFile field and/or caCert field. | sec-name |
timeout | optional, the timeout for operations like download index/clone repository | 60s |
chart | required, the relative path to helm chart for git/oss source. The chart name for helm resource | redis-cluster |
version | optional, chart version, * by default | 6.2.7 |
targetNamespace | optional, the namespace to install chart, decided by chart itself | your-ns |
releaseName | optional, release name after installed | your-rn |
values | optional, override the Values.yaml inchart, using for the rendering of Helm | |
valuesFrom | optional, valuesFrom holds references to resources containing Helm values for this HelmRelease, and information about how they should be merged. It’s a list of ValueReference | |
installTimeout | optional, the timeout for operation helm install , and 10 minutes by default | 20m |
interval | optional, the Interval at which to reconcile the Helm release, default to 30s | 1m |
oss | optional, The oss source configuration | |
git | optional, The git source configuration | dev |
Parameters | Description | Example |
kind | required, kind of the values referent, valid values are (‘Secret’, ‘ConfigMap’). | ConfigMap |
name | required, name of the values referent. Should reside in the same namespace as the referring resource. | your-cm |
valuesKey | optional, valuesKey is the data key where the values.yaml or a specific value can be found at. Defaults to ‘values.yaml’. | values.yaml |
targetPath | optional, targetPath is the YAML dot notation path the value should be merged at. When set, the ValuesKey is expected to be a single flat value. Defaults to ‘None’, which results in the values getting merged at the root. | |
optional | optional, optional marks this ValuesReference as optional. When set, a not found error or the values reference is ignored, but any ValuesKey, TargetPath or transient error will still result in a reconciliation failure. |
Parameters | Description | Example |
bucketName | required, bucket name | your-bucket |
provider | optional, Generic or aws, if you get the certificate from aws EC2, fill in aws. The default is generic. | generic |
region | optional, bucket region |
Parameters | Description | Example |
branch | optional, Git branch, master by default | your-branch |
You can create an application like below to deploy a helm chart which stored in helm repository.
apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
kind: Application
name: helm-redis
- name: redis
type: helm
repoType: "helm"
url: "https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami"
chart: "redis"
version: "16.8.5"
size: 16Gi
size: 16Gi
If your helm chart is stored in OCI registry, you can create the application like this:
Note: Please guarantee your fluxcd addon version >= v1.3.1
apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
kind: Application
name: oci-app
namespace: default
- name: test-oci
type: helm
repoType: "oci"
url: oci://ghcr.io/stefanprodan/charts
chart: podinfo
version: '6.1.*'
If your helm chart is stored in OSS, you can create the application like this:
apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
kind: Application
name: bucket-app
- name: bucket-comp
type: helm
repoType: oss
# required if bucket is private
secretRef: bucket-secret
chart: ./chart/podinfo-5.1.3.tgz
url: oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com
bucketName: definition-registry
If your helm chart stored in git, you can create the application like this:
apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
kind: Application
name: app-delivering-chart
- name: terraform-controller
type: helm
repoType: git
url: https://github.com/oam-dev/terraform-controller
chart: ./chart
branch: master
Parameters | Description | Example |
repoType | required, indicates the type of repository, should be “helm”,”git” or “oss”. | oss |
pullInterval | optional, Synchronize with Git repository, and the time interval between tuning helm release. The default value is 5m (5 minutes) | 10m |
url | required, bucket’s endpoint, no need to fill in with scheme | oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com |
secretRef | optional, Save the name of a Secret, which is the credential to read the bucket. Secret contains accesskey and secretkey fields | sec-name |
timeout | optional, The timeout period of the download operation, the default is 20s | 60s |
path | required, The directory containing the kustomization.yaml file, or the directory containing a set of YAML files (used to generate kustomization.yaml) | ./prod |
oss | optional, The oss source configuration | |
git | optional, The git source configuration | |
imageRepository | optional, The image repository for automatically update image to git |
Parameter | Required | Description | Example |
image | required | The image url | oamdev/vela-core |
secretRef | optional | If it’s a private image registry, use kubectl create secret docker-registry to create the secret | my-secret |
policy | optional | Policy gives the particulars of the policy to be followed in selecting the most recent image. | |
filterTags | optional | FilterTags enables filtering for only a subset of tags based on a set of rules. If no rules are provided, all the tags from the repository will be ordered and compared. | $timestamp |
commitMessage | optional | Use for more commit message |
Parameter | Required | Description | Example |
alphabetical.order | optional | Order specifies the sorting order of the tags. Given the letters of the alphabet as tags, ascending order would select Z, and descending order would select A | asc |
numerical.order | optional | Given the integer values from 0 to 9 as tags, ascending order would select 9, and descending order would select 0 | asc |
semver.range | optional | Range gives a semver range for the image tag; the highest version within the range that’s a tag yields the latest image | ‘>=1.0.0 <2.0.0’ |
Parameter | Required | Description | Example |
extract | optional | Extract allows a capture group to be extracted from the specified regular expression pattern, useful before tag evaluation | $timestamp |
pattern | optional | Pattern specifies a regular expression pattern used to filter for image tags | ‘^master-[a-f0-9]’ |
- If your kustomize style artifact is stored in oss, you can create application by flowing these steps:
(Optional)If your OSS bucket needs identity verification, create a Secret first:
$ kubectl create secret generic bucket-secret --from-literal=accesskey=<your-ak> --from-literal=secretkey=<your-sk>
secret/bucket-secret created
Deploy this application:
apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
kind: Application
name: bucket-app
- name: bucket-comp
type: kustomize
repoType: oss
# If the bucket is private, you will need to provide
secretRef: bucket-secret
url: oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com
bucketName: definition-registry
path: ./app/prod/
- If your artifact is stored in git, you can create application like this:
apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
kind: Application
name: git-app
- name: git-comp
type: kustomize
repoType: git
url: https://github.com/<path>/<to>/<repo>
branch: master
provider: GitHub
path: ./app/dev/
- If you want to create a application which updated automatically when image updated. You can create the application like this.
apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
kind: Application
name: image-app
- name: image
type: kustomize
image: <your image>
secretRef: imagesecret
pattern: '^master-[a-f0-9]+-(?P<ts>[0-9]+)'
extract: '$ts'
order: asc
commitMessage: "Image: {{range .Updated.Images}}{{println .}}{{end}}"
In this addon, there are five controllers to be installed by default
Source controller
- The source-controller is a Kubernetes operator, specialised in artifacts acquisition from external sources such as Git, Helm repositories and S3 buckets. The source-controller implements the source.toolkit.fluxcd.io API and is a core component of the GitOps toolkit.
Image (metadata) reflector controller
- This is a controller that reflects container image metadata into a Kubernetes cluster. It pairs with the image update automation controller to drive automated config updates.
Image automation controller
- This controller automates updates to YAML when new container images are available.
- Its sibling, image-reflector-controller, scans container image repositories and reflects the metadata in Kubernetes resources. This controller reacts to that image metadata by updating YAML files in a git repository, and committing the changes.
- The kustomize-controller is a Kubernetes operator, specialized in running continuous delivery pipelines for infrastructure and workloads defined with Kubernetes manifests and assembled with Kustomize.
- The helm-controller is a Kubernetes operator, allowing one to declaratively manage Helm chart releases. It is part of a composable GitOps toolkit and depends on source-controller to acquire the Helm charts from Helm repositories.
- The desired state of a Helm release is described through a Kubernetes Custom Resource named HelmRelease. Based on the creation, mutation or removal of a HelmRelease resource in the cluster, Helm actions are performed by the operator.
Last updated on Aug 4, 2023 by Daniel Higuero