KubeVela 团队维护了一个开箱即用的社区插件库( https://addons.kubevela.net ),其中的插件列表如下。
Source code of this addon are all here: https://github.com/kubevela/catalog/tree/master/addons .
- VelaUX KubeVela 用户体验 (UX) 插件。 它将启动仪表板和 APIServer 以获得更好的用户体验。
- Vela prism 为核心 KubeVela 提供 API 扩展。
- KubeVela doc KubeVela 文档站制作而成的插件,帮助你在集群中离线查看 KubeVela 文档。
Cloud Shell: Set up a web terminal and cloud shell intended for a kubernetes-native environment.
Prometheus Server: Collects metrics from configured targets at given intervals, evaluates rule expressions, displays the results, and can trigger alerts if some condition is observed to be true.
- Node Exporter: Prometheus exporter for hardware and OS metrics exposed by *NIX kernels, written in Go with pluggable metric collectors.
- Mysql Exporter: Prometheus exporter for MySQL server metrics.
- Grafana: Grafana is an open source, feature rich metrics dashboard and graph editor for Graphite, Elasticsearch, OpenTSDB, Prometheus and InfluxDB.
- Loki: A log aggregation system designed to store and query logs from all your applications and infrastructure.
Kube State Metrics: A simple service that listens to the Kubernetes API server and generates metrics about the state of the objects.
FluxCD 提供交付 helm chart 和驱动 GitOps 的能力。
Terraform 提供了衔接 Terraform 生态的能力,包含一个 Terraform 插件和一组对应的云厂商插件。
Kruise Rollout: OpenKruise rollout supports canary rollout for native deployment, stateful-set and OpenKruise cloneset.
Rollout 提供应用灰度发布和回滚的能力(为 Kruise Rollout 的上一代,建议使用 Kruise-Rollout)。
Traefik Traefik 是一个现代化的轻松部署的微服务 HTTP 反向代理服务器和负载均衡器。
Nginx Ingress Controller: An Ingress controller for Kubernetes using NGINX as a reverse proxy and load balancer.
Machine Learning Addon 机器学习插件,提供了模型训练和建模的能力。
OCM Cluster-Gateway Manager 管控集群中的 Operator 组件,帮助管理员通过自定义资源
来轻松操作集群网关实例的配置。 警告:此插件将在首次安装时重新启动集群网关实例。OCM Hub Control Plane 帮助你启动 Cluster manager(即 OCM 的控制平面)组件并将其安装到控制平面集群中。
Cert manager 在 Kubernetes 集群中添加证书和证书颁发者作为资源类型,并简化获取、更新和使用这些证书的过程。
Flink Operator A Kubernetes operator for Apache Flink(https://github.com/apache/flink-kubernetes-operator).
ChartMuseum: An open-source and easy to deploy Helm Chart Repository server.
netlify: Netlify is a SaaS platform that can serve website especially for frontend service, it provides free allowances that was pretty cool to be used for demo and test.
Pyroscope Pyroscope 是一个开源的平台,由服务端和代理组成。它提供给用户高效收集、存储以及查询 CPU 和磁盘状态的能力。
- Vegeta Vegeta 是一种多功能的 HTTP 负载测试工具,它是基于对具有恒定请求率的 HTTP 服务的需求而构建的。它既可以用作命令行实用程序,也可以用作库。
If you want to make your own addon, please refer to this guide.
Last updated on 2023年5月6日 by Tianxin Dong