vela ql

Show result of executing velaQL.


Show result of executing velaQL, use it like: vela ql —query “inner-view-name{param1=value1,param2=value2}” vela ql —file ./ql.cue

  1. vela ql [flags]


  1. Users can query with a query statement:
  2. vela ql --query "inner-view-name{param1=value1,param2=value2}"
  3. Query by a ql file:
  4. vela ql --file ./ql.cue
  5. Query by a ql file from remote url:
  6. vela ql --file
  7. Query by a ql file from stdin:
  8. cat ./ql.cue | vela ql --file -
  9. Example content of ql.cue:
  10. ---
  11. import (
  12. "vela/ql"
  13. )
  14. configmap: ql.#Read & {
  15. value: {
  16. kind: "ConfigMap"
  17. apiVersion: "v1"
  18. metadata: {
  19. name: "mycm"
  20. }
  21. }
  22. }
  23. status:
  24. export: "status"
  25. ---


  1. -f, --file string The CUE file path for VelaQL, it could be a remote url.
  2. -h, --help help for ql
  3. -q, --query string The query statement for VelaQL.

Options inherited from parent commands

  1. -y, --yes Assume yes for all user prompts


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