Terraform | AWS | acm | Terraform module which creates and validates ACM certificate | false |
| | alb | Terraform module to create an AWS Application/Network Load Balancer (ALB/NLB) and associated resources | false |
| | autoscaling | Terraform module which creates Auto Scaling resources on AWS | false |
| | bridgecrew read only | Bridgecrew READ ONLY integration module | false |
| | cis alarms | Terraform module which creates Cloudwatch resources on AWS | false |
| | cloudfront | Terraform module which creates CloudFront resources on AWS | false |
| | cloudfront s3 cdn | Terraform module to easily provision CloudFront CDN backed by an S3 origin | false |
| | cloudwatch cis alarms | Terraform module which creates Cloudwatch resources on AWS | false |
| | cloudwatch log group | | false |
| | cloudwatch log metric filter | | false |
| | cloudwatch metric alarm | | false |
| | cloudwatch metric alarms | | false |
| | cloudwatch metric alarms by multiple dimensions | | false |
| | config | This module configures AWS Config, a service that enables you to assess, audit, and evaluate the configurations of your AWS resources. | false |
| | delegation sets | Terraform module which creates Route53 resources on AWS | false |
| | dynamodb table | Terraform module which creates DynamoDB table on AWS | false |
| | ec2 instance | Terraform module which creates EC2 instance(s) on AWS | false |
| | ecs | Terraform module which creates AWS ECS resources | false |
| | ecs container definition | Terraform module to generate well-formed JSON documents (container definitions) that are passed to the aws_ecs_task_definition Terraform resource | false |
| | eks | Terraform module to create an Elastic Kubernetes (EKS) cluster and associated worker instances on AWS | false |
| | eks cluster autoscaler | AWS Eks-Cluster-Autoscaler | false |
| | eks external dns | AWS Eks-External-Dns | false |
| | eks kube state metrics | AWS Eks-Kube-State-Metrics | false |
| | eks node problem detector | A terraform module to deploy a node problem detector on Amazon EKS cluster | false |
| | elasticache redis | Terraform module to provision an ElastiCache Redis Cluster | false |
| | elb | Terraform module which creates ELB resources on AWS | false |
| | emr | Terraform module which creates EMR on AWS | false |
| | guardduty | Terraform module to provision AWS Guard Duty | false |
| | iam account | Terraform module which creates IAM resources on AWS | false |
| | iam assumable role | | false |
| | iam assumable role with oidc | | false |
| | iam assumable role with saml | | false |
| | iam assumable roles | | false |
| | iam assumable roles with saml | | false |
| | iam eks role | | false |
| | iam group with assumable roles policy | | false |
| | iam group with policies | | false |
| | iam nofile | Terraform module Terraform module for creating AWS IAM Roles with heredocs | false |
| | iam policy | Terraform module which creates IAM resources on AWS | false |
| | iam policy document aggregator | Terraform module to aggregate multiple IAM policy documents into single policy document. | false |
| | iam read only policy | | false |
| | iam role | A Terraform module that creates IAM role with provided JSON IAM polices documents. | false |
| | iam s3 user | Terraform module to provision a basic IAM user with permissions to access S3 resources, e.g. to give the user read/write/delete access to the objects in an S3 bucket | false |
| | iam system user | Terraform Module to Provision a Basic IAM System User Suitable for CI/CD Systems (E.g. TravisCI, CircleCI) | false |
| | iam user | Terraform module which creates IAM resources on AWS | false |
| | key pair | Terraform module which creates EC2 key pair on AWS | false |
| | kms key | Terraform module to provision a KMS key with alias | false |
| | lambda | Terraform module, which takes care of a lot of AWS Lambda/serverless tasks (build dependencies, packages, updates, deployments) in countless combinations | false |
| | lambda do it all | Terraform module to provision a lambda with full permissions | false |
| | lambda with inline code | Terraform module creating a Lambda function with inline code | false |
| | log group | Terraform module which creates Cloudwatch resources on AWS | false |
| | log metric filter | | false |
| | metric alarm | | false |
| | metric alarms by multiple dimensions | | false |
| | mq | AWS MQ | false |
| | notify slack | Terraform module which creates SNS topic and Lambda function which sends notifications to Slack | false |
| | rds | AWS RDS | false |
| | rds aurora | Terraform module which creates RDS Aurora resources on AWS | false |
| | records | Terraform module which creates Route53 resources on AWS | false |
| | route53 alias | Terraform Module to Define Vanity Host/Domain (e.g. ) as an ALIAS record | false |
| | route53 cluster hostname | Terraform module to define a consistent AWS Route53 hostname | false |
| | route53 delegation sets | Terraform module which creates Route53 resources on AWS | false |
| | route53 records | | false |
| | route53 zones | | false |
| | s3 | Terraform configuration for AWS S3 | false |
| | s3 log storage | This module creates an S3 bucket suitable for receiving logs from other AWS services such as S3, CloudFront, and CloudTrail | false |
| | secretsmanager for rollbar access tokens | Terraform module creating a SecretsManager for Rollbar project access tokens | false |
| | security group | Terraform module which creates EC2-VPC security groups on AWS | false |
| | security hub | Terraform module to provision AWS Security Hub | false |
| | sns topic | Terraform Module to Provide an Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) | false |
| | sqs | Terraform module which creates SQS resources on AWS | false |
| | ssm parameter store | Terraform module to populate AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Parameter Store with values from Terraform. Works great with Chamber. | false |
| | subnet | AWS Subnet | false |
| | utils | Utility functions for use with Terraform in the AWS environment | false |
| | vpc | AWS VPC | false |
| | zones | Terraform module which creates Route53 resources on AWS | false |
| Alibaba Cloud | ack | Terraform configuration for Alibaba Cloud ACK cluster | true |
| | amqp | Terraform configuration for Alibaba Cloud AMQP(RabbitMQ) | false |
| | ask | Terraform configuration for Alibaba Cloud Serverless Kubernetes (ASK) | true |
| | deploy website | Deploy a Static Website in object stroage, like S3 and OSS | true |
| | dns | Terraform configuration for Alibaba Cloud DNS | false |
| | eip | Terraform configuration for Alibaba Cloud Elastic IP | true |
| | eip slb ecs rds | Create a lightweight web service based on Terraform under AliCloud’s VPC, including: EIP, SLB, ECS, RDS | false |
| | kms | Create KMS on AliCloud based on Terraform module | false |
| | kubernetes networking | Create a set of network environment related resources for Kubernetes clusters on AliCloud based on Terraform module | false |
| | market tensorflow | Based on Terraform module, create ECS instances on Ali cloud to achieve one-click deployment of cloud marketplace Tensorflow | false |
| | mns queue | Create a queue instance based on the Terraform module | false |
| | mns topic | Create a topic and a subscription based on Terraform module | false |
| | mongodb | Alibaba Cloud MongoDB | false |
| | mongodb multi | Terraform-based module for creating a MongoDB cloud database under AliCloud VPC | false |
| | mse | Terraform configuration for Alibaba Cloud MSE | false |
| | nas | Terraform configuration for Alicloud NAS | false |
| | network with nat | Build VPC and Nat gateway network environment and bind EIP, add SNAT and DNAT entries on AliCloud based on Terraform module | false |
| | oss | Terraform configuration for Alibaba Cloud OSS | true |
| | oss website | Alibaba Cloud OSS static webstie bucket | true |
| | private zone | Terraform-based modules are used to create a Private Zone on AliCloud, while you can add records to the Zone and associate it with a VPC | false |
| | rabbitmq | Create a RabbitMQ based on Terraform module in Ali cloud | false |
| | ram | Create RAM User instances on AliCloud based on Terraform module | false |
| | ram fc | Create a functional computing service based on Terraform under AliCloud’s RAM role | false |
| | rds | Terraform configuration for Alibaba Cloud RDS | true |
| | rds preview | Alibaba RDS in a preview mode | true |
| | redis | Terraform configuration for Alibaba Cloud Redis | true |
| | remote backend | Deploy remote backend storage in Aliyun based on Terraform module | false |
| | rocketmq | Terraform configuration for Alibaba Cloud RocketMQ | false |
| | sae application | Alibaba SAE application | false |
| | sae auto config application | Alibaba SAE application to be deployed in auto-config mode | false |
| | sae namespace | Alibaba SAE namespace | false |
| | security group | Terraform configuration for Alicloud SecurityGroup | false |
| | slb | Terraform configuration for Alicloud SLB | false |
| | slb acl | Terraform-based module supports creating access control lists for load balancers | false |
| | slb listener | Quickly create slb listeners resources on AliCloud based on Terraform module | false |
| | slb rule | Terraform-based module creates an SLB instance under AliCloud’s VPC and configures rules | false |
| | sls project | Terraform configuration for Alibaba Cloud SLS Project | true |
| | sls store | Terraform configuration for Alibaba Cloud SLS Store | true |
| | vpc | Terraform configuration for Alibaba Cloud VPC | true |
| | vpc ecs eip | Create a lightweight WEB service based on Terraform under AliCloud’s VPC, including: VPC, ECS, EIP | false |
| | vpc privatelink connection | Terraform-based for creating VPC networks in AliCloud and creating private network links | false |
| | vpn gateway | Create VPN resources on AliCloud based on Terraform module | false |
| | vswitch | Terraform configuration for Alibaba Cloud VSwitch | true |
| Azure | database mariadb | Terraform configuration for Azure Database Mariadb | false |
| | resource group | Azure Resource Group | false |
| | storage account | Terraform configuration for Azure Blob Storage Account | false |
| | subnet | Azure Subnet | false |
| | virtual network | Azure Virtual Network | false |
| Baidu Cloud | vpc | Baidu Cloud VPC | false |
| Google Cloud Platform | appengine | Get your container running, simply. | false |
| | audit log | Terraform module for configuring an integration with Google Cloud Platform Organziations and Projects for Audit Logs analysis | false |
| | backend service | Create an ILB to be used for DC/OS for GCP | false |
| | basic vpc module | GCP Basic_vpc_module | false |
| | bastion | Bastion for GCP | false |
| | bootstrap | Create a DC/OS Bootstrap instance and have conditional DC/OS prereqs for gcp | false |
| | cloudfunction | For your cloud functions to GCP | false |
| | cloudsql | A module to create a private database setup | false |
| | cluster | Set up a GKE cluster connected as part of shared VPC | false |
| | compute firewall | Create an ELB to be used for DC/OS for GCP | false |
| | compute forwarding rule | GCP Compute-Forwarding-Rule | false |
| | compute forwarding rule dcos | This module creates forwarding rules for DC/OS. | false |
| | compute forwarding rule masters | Creates an GCP forwarding rule for DC/OS masters | false |
| | compute forwarding rule public agents | This module creates an GCP forwarding rule for DC/OS public agents | false |
| | config | Terraform module for integrating Google Cloud Platform Organziations and Projects with Lacework for cloud resource configuration assessment | false |
| | custom role | Base IAM role module to create GCP IAM Role from other roles and adhoc permissions | false |
| | dcos | Creates a DC/OS Cluster on GCP Convenience Wrapper for GCP | false |
| | dns module | GCP Dns-Module | false |
| | elasticsearch | Terraform module for deploying Elasticsearch cluster on GCP | false |
| | environment setup | IAC for provisioning Infrastructure component like network, subnetworks, route | false |
| | firewall rules | Terraform module for creating Firewall rules on Google Cloud | false |
| | gci | Manages GCP compute engine instance | false |
| | gcs | GCP Gcs | false |
| | gke ecommerce | Google Kubernetes Engine starter kit to bootstrap an e-commerce site based on microservices | false |
| | gke regional | Using Terraform to create a regional GKE cluster (Hosted Kubernetes offering of GCP) | false |
| | googlecomputeinstance | First step using GCP and Terraform | false |
| | hashicorp suite | Terraform module to run Nomad on Google Cloud | false |
| | helmrepo | A helm repository | false |
| | infrastructure | Create DC/OS related GCP Infrastructure | false |
| | instance | GCP Instance | false |
| | instance module | Lazy GCP instance via Terraform | false |
| | kthw | Kubernetes Cluster On GCP with Terraform | false |
| | masters | Create DC/OS Master instance and have conditional DC/OS Prereqs for GCP | false |
| | memorystore redis | Terraform gcp memorystore redis example | false |
| | mq | GCP MQ | false |
| | network | Terraform configuration for GCP network | false |
| | network peering | GCP Network-Peering | false |
| | openwisp | Terraform files for deploying docker-openwisp infrastructure in Google Cloud. | false |
| | private agents | Create DC/OS Private Agents instance and have conditional DC/OS Prereqs for gcp | false |
| | public agents | Create DC/OS Public Agents instance and have conditional DC/OS prereqs for gcp | false |
| | service | Creates a GCP service user | false |
| | service account | Terraform module that creates a service account to provide Lacework read-only access to Google Cloud Platform Organizations and Projects | false |
| | sfabric | Terraform module for launching a Service Fabric Dev Environment on GCP | false |
| | statebucket | Contains a module to create a statebucket for use with Terraform | false |
| | staticip | A simple Terraform module to build an instance a static public IP | false |
| | storage | A basic terraform module example, which the example uses for a helm repo | false |
| | subnet | Terraform module for creating Subnets on Google Cloud | false |
| | tested oses | GCP Tested-Oses | false |
| | vpc | Terraform module for creating VPCs on Google Cloud | false |
| Elastic Cloud | ec deployment | Provides an Elastic Cloud deployment resource, which allows deployments to be created, updated, and deleted. | ture |
| VMware vSphere | file | The vSphere resource used to upload files (such as ISOs and virtual disk files) from the host machine that Terraform is running on to a datastore. | ture |
| | folder | The vSphere resource used to manage vSphere inventory folders. | true |
| Tencent Cloud | subnet | Tencent Cloud Subnet | false |
| | vpc | Terraform configuration for Tencent Cloud VPC | false |