This addon is built based FluxCD
vela addon enable fluxcd
The following definitions will be enabled after the installation of fluxcd addon.
helm | ComponentDefinition | helps to deploy a helm chart from git repo, helm repo or S3 compatible bucket |
kustomize | ComponentDefinition | helps to deploy a kustomize style artifact and GitOps capability to watch changes from git repo or image registry |
kustomize-json-patch | TraitDefinition | A list of JSON6902 patch to selected target |
kustomize-patch | TraitDefinition | A list of StrategicMerge or JSON6902 patch to selected target |
kustomize-strategy-merge | TraitDefinition | A list of strategic merge to kustomize config |
Parameters | Description | Example |
repoType | required, indicates the type of repository, should be “helm”,”git”, “oss”, or “oci”. | Helm |
pullInterval | optional, the interval at which to check for repository/bucket and release updates, default to 5m | 5m |
url | required, the Git or Helm repository URL, OSS endpoint, accept HTTP/S or SSH address as git url | https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami |
secretRef | optional, the name of the Secret object that holds the credentials required to pull the repo. The username and password fields must be included in the HTTP/S basic authentication Secret. For TLS the secret must contain a certFile and keyFile, and/or caCert fields. For TLS authentication, the secret must contain a certFile / keyFile field and/or caCert field. | sec-name |
timeout | optional, the timeout for operations like download index/clone repository | 60s |
chart | required, the relative path to helm chart for git/oss source. The chart name for helm resource | redis-cluster |
version | optional, chart version, * by default | 6.2.7 |
targetNamespace | optional, the namespace to install chart, decided by chart itself | your-ns |
releaseName | optional, release name after installed | your-rn |
values | optional, override the Values.yaml inchart, using for the rendering of Helm | |
installTimeout | optional, the timeout for operation helm install , and 10 minutes by default | 20m |
interval | optional, the Interval at which to reconcile the Helm release, default to 30s | 1m |
oss | optional, The oss source configuration | |
git | optional, The git source configuration | dev |
Parameters | Description | Example |
bucketName | required, bucket name | your-bucket |
provider | optional, Generic or aws, if you get the certificate from aws EC2, fill in aws. The default is generic. | generic |
region | optional, bucket region |
Parameters | Description | Example |
branch | optional, Git branch, master by default | your-branch |
You can create an application like below to deploy a helm chart which stored in helm repository.
apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
kind: Application
name: helm-redis
- name: redis
type: helm
repoType: "helm"
url: "https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami"
chart: "redis"
version: "16.8.5"
size: 16Gi
size: 16Gi
If your helm chart is stored in OCI registry, you can create the application like this:
Note: Please guarantee your fluxcd addon version >= v1.3.1
apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
kind: Application
name: oci-app
namespace: default
- name: test-oci
type: helm
repoType: "oci"
url: oci://ghcr.io/stefanprodan/charts
chart: podinfo
version: '6.1.*'
If your helm chart is stored in OSS, you can create the application like this:
apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
kind: Application
name: bucket-app
- name: bucket-comp
type: helm
repoType: oss
# required if bucket is private
secretRef: bucket-secret
chart: ./chart/podinfo-5.1.3.tgz
url: oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com
bucketName: definition-registry
If your helm chart stored in git, you can create the application like this:
apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
kind: Application
name: app-delivering-chart
- name: terraform-controller
type: helm
repoType: git
url: https://github.com/oam-dev/terraform-controller
chart: ./chart
branch: master
Parameters | Description | Example |
repoType | required, indicates the type of repository, should be “helm”,”git” or “oss”. | oss |
pullInterval | optional, Synchronize with Git repository, and the time interval between tuning helm release. The default value is 5m (5 minutes) | 10m |
url | required, bucket’s endpoint, no need to fill in with scheme | oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com |
secretRef | optional, Save the name of a Secret, which is the credential to read the bucket. Secret contains accesskey and secretkey fields | sec-name |
timeout | optional, The timeout period of the download operation, the default is 20s | 60s |
path | required, The directory containing the kustomization.yaml file, or the directory containing a set of YAML files (used to generate kustomization.yaml) | ./prod |
oss | optional, The oss source configuration | |
git | optional, The git source configuration | |
imageRepository | optional, The image repository for automatically update image to git |
Image Repository
Parameter | Required | Description | Example |
image | required | The image url | oamdev/vela-core |
secretRef | optional | If it’s a private image registry, use kubectl create secret docker-registry to create the secret | my-secret |
policy | optional | Policy gives the particulars of the policy to be followed in selecting the most recent image. | |
filterTags | optional | FilterTags enables filtering for only a subset of tags based on a set of rules. If no rules are provided, all the tags from the repository will be ordered and compared. | $timestamp |
commitMessage | optional | Use for more commit message |
Image policy
Parameter | Required | Description | Example |
alphabetical.order | optional | Order specifies the sorting order of the tags. Given the letters of the alphabet as tags, ascending order would select Z, and descending order would select A | asc |
numerical.order | optional | Given the integer values from 0 to 9 as tags, ascending order would select 9, and descending order would select 0 | asc |
semver.range | optional | Range gives a semver range for the image tag; the highest version within the range that’s a tag yields the latest image | ‘>=1.0.0 <2.0.0’ |
Parameter | Required | Description | Example |
extract | optional | Extract allows a capture group to be extracted from the specified regular expression pattern, useful before tag evaluation | $timestamp |
pattern | optional | Pattern specifies a regular expression pattern used to filter for image tags | ‘^master-[a-f0-9]’ |
- If your kustomize style artifact is stored in oss, you can create application by flowing these steps:
(Optional)If your OSS bucket needs identity verification, create a Secret first:
$ kubectl create secret generic bucket-secret --from-literal=accesskey=<your-ak> --from-literal=secretkey=<your-sk>
secret/bucket-secret created
Deploy this application:
apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
kind: Application
name: bucket-app
- name: bucket-comp
type: kustomize
repoType: oss
# If the bucket is private, you will need to provide
secretRef: bucket-secret
url: oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com
bucketName: definition-registry
path: ./app/prod/
- If your artifact is stored in git, you can create application like this:
apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
kind: Application
name: git-app
- name: git-comp
type: kustomize
repoType: git
url: https://github.com/<path>/<to>/<repo>
branch: master
provider: GitHub
path: ./app/dev/
- If you want to create a application which updated automatically when image updated. You can create the application like this.
apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
kind: Application
name: image-app
- name: image
type: kustomize
image: <your image>
secretRef: imagesecret
pattern: '^master-[a-f0-9]+-(?P<ts>[0-9]+)'
extract: '$ts'
order: asc
commitMessage: "Image: {{range .Updated.Images}}{{println .}}{{end}}"
In this addon, there are five controllers to be installed by default
Source controller
- The source-controller is a Kubernetes operator, specialised in artifacts acquisition from external sources such as Git, Helm repositories and S3 buckets. The source-controller implements the source.toolkit.fluxcd.io API and is a core component of the GitOps toolkit.
Image (metadata) reflector controller
- This is a controller that reflects container image metadata into a Kubernetes cluster. It pairs with the image update automation controller to drive automated config updates.
Image automation controller
- This controller automates updates to YAML when new container images are available.
- Its sibling, image-reflector-controller, scans container image repositories and reflects the metadata in Kubernetes resources. This controller reacts to that image metadata by updating YAML files in a git repository, and committing the changes.
- The kustomize-controller is a Kubernetes operator, specialized in running continuous delivery pipelines for infrastructure and workloads defined with Kubernetes manifests and assembled with Kustomize.
- The helm-controller is a Kubernetes operator, allowing one to declaratively manage Helm chart releases. It is part of a composable GitOps toolkit and depends on source-controller to acquire the Helm charts from Helm repositories.
- The desired state of a Helm release is described through a Kubernetes Custom Resource named HelmRelease. Based on the creation, mutation or removal of a HelmRelease resource in the cluster, Helm actions are performed by the operator.