KubeVela Roadmap
KubeVela is a young project and still have a lot to achieve. This page will highlight some notable ideas and tasks that the community is working on. For detailed view into the roadmap including bug fixes and feature set of the certain release, please check the GitHub project board.
Overall, KubeVela alpha release will mainly focus on:
- Making the project more stable,
- Complete the feature set of capability extensibility,
- Developer-centric experience around Appfile (Application-as-Code).
Notable Tasks
KubeVela Controller:
- Merge CUE based abstraction into OAM user facing objects.
- Compatibility checking between workload types and traits and
feature - Simplify revision mechanism in kubevela core
- Capability Center (i.e. ddon registry)
- CRD registry to manage the third-party dependencies easier
- Dapr trait as built-in capability
KubeVela DevEx:
- Smart Dashboard based on CUE schema
- Make defining CUE templates easier
- Generate reference doc automatically for capability based on CUE schema
- Better application observability
Tech Debts: