Project Network Isolation

KubeSphere project network isolation lets project administrators enforce which network traffic is allowed using rules.



For the implementation of the Network Policy, you can refer to kubesphere-network-policy.

Enable/Disable Project Network Isolation

By default project network isolation is disabled, you can turn on network isolation via Project Settings/Network Isolation network-isolation-on


When network isolation is turned on, egress traffic will be allowed by default, while ingress traffic will be denied for different projects. But when you add an egress network policy, only traffic that matches your policy will be allowed to go out.

You can also disable network isolation via this path. network-isolation-off


When network isolation is turned off, any previously created network policies will be deleted as well.

Setting Network Policy

If the default policy does not meet your needs when network isolation is enabled, you can customize your network policy to meet your needs. Currently, you can add custom network policies in KubeSphere from two perspectives:

  • Cluster Internal
  • Cluster External

Cluster Internal

Network policies at the project level within a cluster are used to control whether resources in this project can be accessed by other projects within the same cluster, and which services you can access.

Suppose a nginx deployment workload has been created in the other project testProject and is exposed via service testService on port 80 with TCP.

Allow ingress traffic from workloads in a different project

  1. Select Cluster Internal Allowlist
  2. Click Add Allowlist
  3. Select type Project
  4. Select project testProject
  5. Select direction Ingress
  6. Click OK


If the network still doesn’t work after you set the network policy, then you need to check if peer has set the corresponding egress rule.

Allow egress traffic to workloads selected by service

  1. Select Cluster Internal Allowlist
  2. Click Add Allowlist
  3. Select type Service
  4. Select the project testProject
  5. Select the service testService that you want to allow
  6. Select direction Egress
  7. Click OK


When creating a service you must make sure that the selectors of the service are not empty.

Cluster External

Outside the cluster we distinguish between the peers by CIDR.

Suppose a tomcat deployment workload has been created in this project and is exposed via NodePort service testService on NodePort 80 with TCP. A client with ip address will access this service, and the service will have access to the address

Allow ingress traffic from client outside the cluster

  1. Select Cluster External IP Address
  2. Select direction Ingress
  3. Fill CIDR
  4. Select protocol TCP and fill port 80
  5. Click OK


It is best to set spec.externalTrafficPolicy in the service configuration to local, so that the source address of the packet will not change, i.e. the source address of the packet is the source address of the client.

Allow egress traffic to service outside the cluster

  1. Select Cluster External IP Address
  2. Select direction Egress
  3. Fill CIDR
  4. Select protocol TCP and fill port 80
  5. Click OK


In step 4, when you select SCTP, you must make sure the SCTP is enabled.

Best Practices

To ensure that all Pods in the project are secure, a best practice is to enable network isolation.

When network isolation is on, the project cannot be accessed by other projects. If your workloads need to be accessed by others, you can follow these steps:

  1. Set gateway via Project Settings/Advanced Settings.
  2. Expose workloads that need to be accessed to a gateway via a service.
  3. Allow ingress traffic from the namespace where you gateway locate.

If egress traffic is controlled, you should have a clear plan of what projects, services, and IP addresses can be accessed, and then add them one by one. If you’re not sure what you want, then you’d better keep your network policy unchanged.


Q: Why can’t the custom monitoring system of KubeSphere get data after I enabled network isolation?

A: After you enabled custom monitoring, KubeSphere monitoring system will access the metrics of the Pod. You need to allow ingress traffic for KubeSphere monitoring system. Otherwise, it cannot access Pod metrics.

Here KubeSphere provides a configuration item allowedIngressNamespacesto simplify similar configurations, which allows you to allow all projects listed in the configuration.

  1. root@node1:~# kubectl get -n kubesphere-system ks-installer -o yaml
  2. apiVersion:
  3. kind: ClusterConfiguration
  4. metadata:
  5. ...
  6. name: ks-installer
  7. namespace: kubesphere-system
  8. ...
  9. spec:
  10. ...
  11. networkpolicy:
  12. enabled: true
  13. nsnpOptions:
  14. allowedIngressNamespaces:
  15. - kubesphere-system
  16. - kubesphere-monitoring-system
  17. ...

Q: Why can’t I access the service even after setting network policy through the service?

A: When you add a network policy and access the service via cluster ip, if the network is not working, check the kube-proxy configuration to see if masqueradeAll is false.

  1. root@node1:~# kubectl get cm -n kube-system kube-proxy -o yaml
  2. apiVersion: v1
  3. data:
  4. config.conf: |-
  5. ...
  6. iptables:
  7. masqueradeAll: false
  8. ...
  9. ...
  10. kind: ConfigMap
  11. metadata:
  12. ...
  13. labels:
  14. app: kube-proxy
  15. name: kube-proxy
  16. namespace: kube-system
  17. ...

Q: How do I determine the CIDR when I set the ingress policy?

A: In K8s, the source ip address of the packet is often handled by nat, so you need to figure out what the source address of the packet will be before you add the rule. Here you can refer to Source IP.