Common Configurations
This tutorial explains how to customize KubeSphere configurations in conf/common.yaml
. You can reference the following section to understand each parameter.
######################### Kubernetes #########################
# The default k8s version will be installed
kube_version: v1.16.7
# The default etcd version will be installed
etcd_version: v3.2.18
# Configure a cron job to backup etcd data, which is running on etcd machines.
# Period of running backup etcd job, the unit is minutes.
# The default value 30 means backup etcd every 30 minutes.
etcd_backup_period: 30
# How many backup replicas to keep.
# The default value5 means to keep latest 5 backups, older ones will be deleted by order.
keep_backup_number: 5
# The location to store etcd backups files on etcd machines.
etcd_backup_dir: "/var/backups/kube_etcd"
# Add other registry. (For users who need to accelerate image download)
# Kubernetes network plugin, Calico will be installed by default. Note that Calico and flannel are recommended, which are tested and verified by KubeSphere.
kube_network_plugin: calico
# A valid CIDR range for Kubernetes services,
# 1. should not overlap with node subnet
# 2. should not overlap with Kubernetes pod subnet
# A valid CIDR range for Kubernetes pod subnet,
# 1. should not overlap with node subnet
# 2. should not overlap with Kubernetes services subnet
# Kube-proxy proxyMode configuration, either ipvs, or iptables
kube_proxy_mode: ipvs
# Maximum pods allowed to run on every node.
kubelet_max_pods: 110
# Enable nodelocal dns cache, see for further information
enable_nodelocaldns: true
# Highly Available loadbalancer example config
# apiserver_loadbalancer_domain_name: "lb.kubesphere.local" # Loadbalancer domain name
# loadbalancer_apiserver: # Loadbalancer apiserver configuration, please uncomment this line when you prepare HA install
# address: # Loadbalancer apiserver IP address
# port: 6443 # apiserver port
######################### KubeSphere #########################
# Version of KubeSphere
ks_version: v2.1.0
# KubeSphere console port, range 30000-32767,
# but 30180/30280/30380 are reserved for internal service
console_port: 30880 # KubeSphere console nodeport
mysql_volume_size: 20Gi # MySQL PVC size
minio_volume_size: 20Gi # Minio PVC size
etcd_volume_size: 20Gi # etcd PVC size
openldap_volume_size: 2Gi # openldap PVC size
redis_volume_size: 2Gi # Redis PVC size
# Monitoring
prometheus_replica: 2 # Prometheus replicas with 2 by default which are responsible for monitoring different segments of data source and provide high availability as well.
prometheus_memory_request: 400Mi # Prometheus request memory
prometheus_volume_size: 20Gi # Prometheus PVC size
grafana_enabled: true # enable grafana or not
## Container Engine Acceleration
## Use nvidia gpu acceleration in containers
# nvidia_accelerator_enabled: true # enable Nvidia GPU accelerator or not. It supports hybrid node with GPU and CPU installed.
# nvidia_gpu_nodes: # The GPU nodes specified in hosts.ini. FOr now we only support Ubuntu 16.04
# - kube-gpu-001 # The host name of the GPU node specified in hosts.ini
How to Configure a GPU Node
You may want to use GPU nodes for special purpose such as machine learning. Let’s say you have a GPU node called node2
in hosts.ini
, then in the file common.yaml
specify the following configuration. Please be aware the - node2
has two spaces indent.
nvidia_accelerator_enabled: true
- node2
Note: The GPU node now only supports Ubuntu 16.04.
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