How to Invoke KubeSphere API

ks-apigateway is KubeSphere’s API gateway. After the deployment of KubeSphere, you can refer to the API developer guide as following.

Step 1: Exposing ks-apigatway service

ks-apigatway’s service port can be set as NodePort. In this way, ks-apigatway service can be exposed. You can choose to use UI or commands to realize the exposure:

Using KubeSphere UI

Using KubeSphere UI

  1. Log in KubeSphere console and enter into system-workspace-> project kubesphere-system. In the service list, click and enter into the service’s page of ks-apigateway.

  2. Click「More Operation」 -> 「Edit External Network Access」. Set the access mode as NodePor and click confirm.

  3. You can find the generated NodePort as NodePort in the service page.

How to invoke KubeSphere API - 图1

Using Command

Using Command

  1. Log in to KubeSphere using the admin account, open Web Kubectl in the 「Toolbox」 in the lower right corner, and execute the following command
  1. $ kubectl -n kubesphere-system patch svc ks-apigateway -p '{"spec":{"type":"NodePort"}}'
  2. service/ks-apigateway patched
  1. Use the following command to view the generated port number. The port number returned is 31078.
  1. $ kubectl -n kubesphere-system get svc ks-apigateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}'
  2. 31078

Step 2: Get Token

All the KubeSphere’s APIs should pass the JWT Bearer token authentication. Before invoking API, you need to get access_token from /kapis/ port. Then add the Authorization: Bearer <access_token> into the following requests.

Open Web Kubectl at the lower right corner of KubeSphere. Execute the following commands where is the sample’s node IP and 31078 is the ks-apigatway service exposed in the previous step.

  1. $ curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"password\": \"P@88w0rd\", \"username\": \"admin\"}"
  2. {
  3. "access_token": "eyJhbGxxxxxxS44"
  4. }

Step 3: Invoke KubeSphere API

After getting the Access Token, the KubeSphere API can be invoked in a user-defined request function. For further details, please refer to API Guide.

How to Access to Swagger UI

KubeSphere’s API can be previewed in Swagger UI. Access the URL http://IP:NodePort/swagger-ui to visit Swagger UI such as

How to invoke KubeSphere API - 图2