
Print the address of the control plane and cluster services

  1. kubectl cluster-info

Display addresses of the control plane and services with label To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use ‘kubectl cluster-info dump’.


$ kubectl cluster-info


Dump current cluster state to stdout

  1. kubectl cluster-info dump

Dump current cluster state to /path/to/cluster-state

  1. kubectl cluster-info dump --output-directory=/path/to/cluster-state

Dump all namespaces to stdout

  1. kubectl cluster-info dump --all-namespaces

Dump a set of namespaces to /path/to/cluster-state

  1. kubectl cluster-info dump --namespaces default,kube-system --output-directory=/path/to/cluster-state

Dump cluster information out suitable for debugging and diagnosing cluster problems. By default, dumps everything to stdout. You can optionally specify a directory with —output-directory. If you specify a directory, Kubernetes will build a set of files in that directory. By default, only dumps things in the current namespace and ‘kube-system’ namespace, but you can switch to a different namespace with the —namespaces flag, or specify —all-namespaces to dump all namespaces.

The command also dumps the logs of all of the pods in the cluster; these logs are dumped into different directories based on namespace and pod name.


$ kubectl cluster-info dump


all-namespacesAfalseIf true, dump all namespaces. If true, —namespaces is ignored.
allow-missing-template-keystrueIf true, ignore any errors in templates when a field or map key is missing in the template. Only applies to golang and jsonpath output formats.
namespaces[]A comma separated list of namespaces to dump.
outputojsonOutput format. One of: json|yaml|name|go-template|go-template-file|template|templatefile|jsonpath|jsonpath-as-json|jsonpath-file.
output-directoryWhere to output the files. If empty or ‘-‘ uses stdout, otherwise creates a directory hierarchy in that directory
pod-running-timeout20sThe length of time (like 5s, 2m, or 3h, higher than zero) to wait until at least one pod is running
show-managed-fieldsfalseIf true, keep the managedFields when printing objects in JSON or YAML format.
templateTemplate string or path to template file to use when -o=go-template, -o=go-template-file. The template format is golang templates [].