Uninstall Kubeflow
Instructions for uninstalling Kubeflow
Uninstall Kubeflow
The following command will delete the Kubeflow installation created via kfctl install
kfctl delete -V -f kfctl_aws.yaml
Note: This will not delete your Amazon EKS cluster, you must manually delete it by yourself if desired.
(Optional) Delete Cluster
If you had created a dedicated cluster in Amazon EKS for Kubeflow using eksctl
and wish to delete it, the following command can be used.
eksctl delete cluster -f cluster.yaml
Note: It is possible that parts of the CloudFormation deletion will fail depending upon modifications made post-creation. In that case, manually delete the eks-xxx role in IAM, then the ALB, the EKS target groups and the subnets of that particular cluster. Then retry the command to delete the nodegroups and the cluster.
Last modified 04.05.2021: refactor and refresh aws docs (#2688) (ef4cda60)