Reference Overview

Reference documentation for Kubeflow APIs and services.


TFJob is a Kubernetes custom resource that you can use to run TensorFlow training jobs on Kubernetes. For help with using TFJob with Kubeflow, see the user guide.

API references:


PyTorchJob is a Kubernetes custom resource that you can use to run PyTorch training jobs on Kubernetes. For help with using PyTorch with Kubeflow, see the user guide.

API references:


MPIJob is a Kubernetes custom resource that you can use to run allreduce-style distributed training jobs on Kubernetes. For help with using MPIJob with Kubeflow, see the user guide.

API references:


Notebook CRD is a Kubernetes custom resource that you can use to manage Jupyter Notebook servers on Kubernetes. For help with using notebooks with Kubeflow, see the user guide.

API references:


Katib is an AutoML system that you can use to run hyperparameter tuning and neural architecture search experiments on Kubernetes. For help with using Katib with Kubeflow, see the user guide.

gRPC API references:

Last modified 11.11.2020: Katib v1beta1 documentation update (#2312) (ba726043)