
A fast and easy way to deploy Kubeflow on your laptop

Out of date

This guide contains outdated information pertaining to Kubeflow 1.0. This guide needs to be updated for Kubeflow 1.1.

MiniKF latestversion

A production-ready, full-fledged, local Kubeflow deployment that installs in minutes.

MiniKF is a fast and easy way to get started with Kubeflow. With just a few clicks, you are up for experimentation, and for running complete Kubeflow Pipelines.

To train at scale, move to a Kubeflow cloud deployment with one click, without having to rewrite anything.

Please see the official announcement and the rationale behind MiniKF.

Join the discussion on the #minikf Slack channel, ask questions, request features, and get support for MiniKF.

To join the Kubeflow Slack workspace, please request an invite.

System requirements

For a smooth experience we recommend that your system meets the following requirements:

  • 12GB RAM
  • 2 CPUs
  • 50GB disk space

Operating systems

MiniKF runs on all major operating systems:

  • Linux
  • macOS
  • Windows


Before installing MiniKF, you need to have Vagrant and VirtualBox installed on your laptop.

MiniKF installation

Open a terminal on your laptop, create a new directory, switch into it, and run the following commands to install MiniKF:

  1. vagrant init arrikto/minikf
  2. vagrant up

MiniKF will take a few minutes to boot. When this is done, navigate to and follow the on-screen instructions to start Kubeflow and Rok.

MiniKF upgrade

Here are step-by-step instructions for upgrading from a previous version:

  1. Upgrade the MiniKF box to the latest version:
  1. vagrant box update
  1. Ensure you have updated to the latest version:
  1. vagrant box list
  1. Upgrade the vagrant-persistent-storage plugin to v0.0.47 or later:
  1. vagrant plugin update vagrant-persistent-storage
  1. Destroy the VM:
  1. vagrant destroy
  1. Remove all local state. This will remove all of your customization in MiniKF (notebooks, pipelines, Rok snapshots):
    • [Windows] del minikf-user-data.vdi
    • [Linux/macOS] rm minikf-user-data.vdi
  2. Re-create your VM:
  1. vagrant up

End-to-end example on MiniKF

Notebooks & Kubeflow Pipelines on the new MiniKF. Run an e2e ML pipeline following this tutorial.

Installation video

Here is a demo of installing MiniKF from scratch:


Last modified 03.08.2020: Added outdated banner to non-index docs unchanged in last 30d (#2072) (e56f3650)