Reference Overview

Reference documentation for Kubeflow APIs and services.


TFJob is a Kubernetes custom resource that you can use to run TensorFlow training jobs on Kubernetes. For help with using TFJob with Kubeflow, see the user guide.

API references:


PyTorchJob is a Kubernetes custom resource that you can use to run PyTorch training jobs on Kubernetes. For help with using PyTorch with Kubeflow, see the user guide.

API references:


MPIJob is a Kubernetes custom resource that you can use to run allreduce-style distributed training jobs on Kubernetes. For help with using MPIJob with Kubeflow, see the user guide.

API references:


Notebook CRD is a Kubernetes custom resource that you can use to manage Jupyter Notebook servers on Kubernetes. For help with using notebooks with Kubeflow, see the user guide.

API references:

Last modified 19.10.2020: Remove out of date message from reference docs and GCP getting started (#2277) (403b546b)