- Pipelines API Reference
- Kubeflow Pipelines API
- Summary
- Security
- Paths
- GET /apis/v1beta1/experiments
- POST /apis/v1beta1/experiments
- DELETE /apis/v1beta1/experiments/{id}
- GET /apis/v1beta1/experiments/{id}
- POST /apis/v1beta1/experiments/{id}:archive
- POST /apis/v1beta1/experiments/{id}:unarchive
- GET /apis/v1beta1/jobs
- POST /apis/v1beta1/jobs
- DELETE /apis/v1beta1/jobs/{id}
- GET /apis/v1beta1/jobs/{id}
- POST /apis/v1beta1/jobs/{id}/disable
- POST /apis/v1beta1/jobs/{id}/enable
- GET /apis/v1beta1/pipeline_versions
- POST /apis/v1beta1/pipeline_versions
- DELETE /apis/v1beta1/pipeline_versions/{version_id}
- GET /apis/v1beta1/pipeline_versions/{version_id}
- GET /apis/v1beta1/pipeline_versions/{version_id}/templates
- GET /apis/v1beta1/pipelines
- POST /apis/v1beta1/pipelines
- POST /apis/v1beta1/pipelines/upload
- POST /apis/v1beta1/pipelines/upload_version
- DELETE /apis/v1beta1/pipelines/{id}
- GET /apis/v1beta1/pipelines/{id}
- GET /apis/v1beta1/pipelines/{id}/templates
- GET /apis/v1beta1/runs
- POST /apis/v1beta1/runs
- DELETE /apis/v1beta1/runs/{id}
- POST /apis/v1beta1/runs/{id}:archive
- POST /apis/v1beta1/runs/{id}:unarchive
- GET /apis/v1beta1/runs/{run_id}
- GET /apis/v1beta1/runs/{run_id}/nodes/{node_id}/artifacts/{artifact_name}:read
- POST /apis/v1beta1/runs/{run_id}/retry
- POST /apis/v1beta1/runs/{run_id}/terminate
- POST /apis/v1beta1/runs/{run_id}:reportMetrics
- Schema definitions
- apiCronSchedule: object
- apiExperiment: object
- apiGetTemplateResponse: object
- apiJob: object
- apiListExperimentsResponse: object
- apiListJobsResponse: object
- apiListPipelinesResponse: object
- apiListPipelineVersionsResponse: object
- apiListRunsResponse: object
- apiParameter: object
- apiPeriodicSchedule: object
- apiPipeline: object
- apiPipelineRuntime: object
- apiPipelineSpec: object
- apiPipelineVersion: object
- apiReadArtifactResponse: object
- apiRelationship: string , x ∈ { UNKNOWN_RELATIONSHIP (default) , OWNER , CREATOR }
- apiReportRunMetricsRequest: object
- apiReportRunMetricsResponse: object
- apiResourceKey: object
- apiResourceReference: object
- apiRun: object
- apiRunDetail: object
- apiRunMetric: object
- apiStatus: object
- apiTrigger: object
- apiUrl: object
- JobMode: string , x ∈ { UNKNOWN_MODE (default) , ENABLED , DISABLED }
- protobufAny: object
- ReportRunMetricsResponseReportRunMetricResult: object
- ReportRunMetricsResponseReportRunMetricResultStatus: string , x ∈ { UNSPECIFIED (default) , OK , INVALID_ARGUMENT , DUPLICATE_REPORTING , INTERNAL_ERROR }
- RunMetricFormat: string , x ∈ { UNSPECIFIED (default) , RAW , PERCENTAGE }
- RunStorageState: string , x ∈ { STORAGESTATE_AVAILABLE (default) , STORAGESTATE_ARCHIVED }
Pipelines API Reference
Reference documentation for the Kubeflow Pipelines API
Kubeflow Pipelines API
Kubeflow Pipelines API
Version: 1.0.0
This file contains REST API specification for Kubeflow Pipelines. The file is autogenerated from the swagger definition.
Default request content-types: application/json
Default response content-types: application/json
Schemes: http, https
Tag: RunService
Operation | Description |
GET /apis/v1beta1/runs | Finds all runs. |
POST /apis/v1beta1/runs | Creates a new run. |
DELETE /apis/v1beta1/runs/{id} | Deletes a run. |
POST /apis/v1beta1/runs/{id}:archive | Archives a run. |
POST /apis/v1beta1/runs/{id}:unarchive | Restores an archived run. |
GET /apis/v1beta1/runs/{run_id} | Finds a specific run by ID. |
GET /apis/v1beta1/runs/{run_id}/nodes/{node_id}/artifacts/{artifact_name}:read | Finds a run’s artifact data. |
POST /apis/v1beta1/runs/{run_id}/retry | Re-initiates a failed or terminated run. |
POST /apis/v1beta1/runs/{run_id}/terminate | Terminates an active run. |
POST /apis/v1beta1/runs/{run_id}:reportMetrics | ReportRunMetrics reports metrics of a run. Each metric is reported in its own transaction, so this API accepts partial failures. Metric can be uniquely identified by (run_id, node_id, name). Duplicate reporting will be ignored by the API. First reporting wins. |
Tag: JobService
Operation | Description |
GET /apis/v1beta1/jobs | Finds all jobs. |
POST /apis/v1beta1/jobs | Creates a new job. |
GET /apis/v1beta1/jobs/{id} | Finds a specific job by ID. |
DELETE /apis/v1beta1/jobs/{id} | Deletes a job. |
POST /apis/v1beta1/jobs/{id}/disable | Stops a job and all its associated runs. The job is not deleted. |
POST /apis/v1beta1/jobs/{id}/enable | Restarts a job that was previously stopped. All runs associated with the job will continue. |
Tag: PipelineService
Operation | Description |
GET /apis/v1beta1/pipeline_versions | Lists all pipeline versions of a given pipeline. |
POST /apis/v1beta1/pipeline_versions | Adds a pipeline version to the specified pipeline. |
GET /apis/v1beta1/pipeline_versions/{version_id} | Gets a pipeline version by pipeline version ID. |
DELETE /apis/v1beta1/pipeline_versions/{version_id} | Deletes a pipeline version by pipeline version ID. If the deleted pipeline version is the default pipeline version, the pipeline’s default version changes to the pipeline’s most recent pipeline version. If there are no remaining pipeline versions, the pipeline will have no default version. Examines the run_service_api.ipynb notebook to learn more about creating a run using a pipeline version (https://github.com/kubeflow/pipelines/blob/master/tools/benchmarks/run_service_api.ipynb). |
GET /apis/v1beta1/pipeline_versions/{version_id}/templates | Returns a YAML template that contains the specified pipeline version’s description, parameters and metadata. |
GET /apis/v1beta1/pipelines | Finds all pipelines. |
POST /apis/v1beta1/pipelines | Creates a pipeline. |
GET /apis/v1beta1/pipelines/{id} | Finds a specific pipeline by ID. |
DELETE /apis/v1beta1/pipelines/{id} | Deletes a pipeline and its pipeline versions. |
GET /apis/v1beta1/pipelines/{id}/templates | Returns a single YAML template that contains the description, parameters, and metadata associated with the pipeline provided. |
Tag: ExperimentService
Operation | Description |
GET /apis/v1beta1/experiments | Finds all experiments. Supports pagination, and sorting on certain fields. |
POST /apis/v1beta1/experiments | Creates a new experiment. |
GET /apis/v1beta1/experiments/{id} | Finds a specific experiment by ID. |
DELETE /apis/v1beta1/experiments/{id} | Deletes an experiment without deleting the experiment’s runs and jobs. To avoid unexpected behaviors, delete an experiment’s runs and jobs before deleting the experiment. |
POST /apis/v1beta1/experiments/{id}:archive | Archives an experiment and the experiment’s runs and jobs. |
POST /apis/v1beta1/experiments/{id}:unarchive | Restores an archived experiment. The experiment’s archived runs and jobs will stay archived. |
Tag: PipelineUploadService
Operation | Description |
POST /apis/v1beta1/pipelines/upload | |
POST /apis/v1beta1/pipelines/upload_version |
Type: apiKey
Finds all experiments. Supports pagination, and sorting on certain fields.
GET /apis/v1beta1/experiments
Tags: ExperimentService
page_token | A page token to request the next page of results. The token is acquried from the nextPageToken field of the response from the previous ListExperiment call or can be omitted when fetching the first page. | query | string | |
page_size | The number of experiments to be listed per page. If there are more experiments than this number, the response message will contain a nextPageToken field you can use to fetch the next page. | query | integer (int32) | |
sort_by | Can be format of “field_name”, “field_name asc” or “field_name desc” Ascending by default. | query | string | |
filter | A url-encoded, JSON-serialized Filter protocol buffer (see filter.proto). | query | string | |
resource_reference_key.type | The type of the resource that referred to. | query | string , x ∈ { UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_TYPE (default) , EXPERIMENT , JOB , PIPELINE , PIPELINE_VERSION , NAMESPACE } | |
resource_reference_key.id | The ID of the resource that referred to. | query | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Creates a new experiment.
POST /apis/v1beta1/experiments
Tags: ExperimentService
Uses default content-types: application/json
The experiment to be created.
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Deletes an experiment without deleting the experiment’s runs and jobs. To avoid unexpected behaviors, delete an experiment’s runs and jobs before deleting the experiment.
DELETE /apis/v1beta1/experiments/{id}
Tags: ExperimentService
id | The ID of the experiment to be deleted. | path | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Finds a specific experiment by ID.
GET /apis/v1beta1/experiments/{id}
Tags: ExperimentService
id | The ID of the experiment to be retrieved. | path | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Archives an experiment and the experiment’s runs and jobs.
POST /apis/v1beta1/experiments/{id}:archive
Tags: ExperimentService
id | The ID of the experiment to be archived. | path | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Restores an archived experiment. The experiment’s archived runs and jobs will stay archived.
POST /apis/v1beta1/experiments/{id}:unarchive
Tags: ExperimentService
id | The ID of the experiment to be restored. | path | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Finds all jobs.
GET /apis/v1beta1/jobs
Tags: JobService
page_token | A page token to request the next page of results. The token is acquried from the nextPageToken field of the response from the previous ListJobs call or can be omitted when fetching the first page. | query | string | |
page_size | The number of jobs to be listed per page. If there are more jobs than this number, the response message will contain a nextPageToken field you can use to fetch the next page. | query | integer (int32) | |
sort_by | Can be format of “field_name”, “field_name asc” or “field_name desc”. Ascending by default. | query | string | |
resource_reference_key.type | The type of the resource that referred to. | query | string , x ∈ { UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_TYPE (default) , EXPERIMENT , JOB , PIPELINE , PIPELINE_VERSION , NAMESPACE } | |
resource_reference_key.id | The ID of the resource that referred to. | query | string | |
filter | A url-encoded, JSON-serialized Filter protocol buffer (see filter.proto). | query | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Creates a new job.
POST /apis/v1beta1/jobs
Tags: JobService
Uses default content-types: application/json
The job to be created
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Deletes a job.
DELETE /apis/v1beta1/jobs/{id}
Tags: JobService
id | The ID of the job to be deleted | path | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Finds a specific job by ID.
GET /apis/v1beta1/jobs/{id}
Tags: JobService
id | The ID of the job to be retrieved | path | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Stops a job and all its associated runs. The job is not deleted.
POST /apis/v1beta1/jobs/{id}/disable
Tags: JobService
id | The ID of the job to be disabled | path | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Restarts a job that was previously stopped. All runs associated with the job will continue.
POST /apis/v1beta1/jobs/{id}/enable
Tags: JobService
id | The ID of the job to be enabled | path | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Lists all pipeline versions of a given pipeline.
GET /apis/v1beta1/pipeline_versions
Tags: PipelineService
resource_key.type | The type of the resource that referred to. | query | string , x ∈ { UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_TYPE (default) , EXPERIMENT , JOB , PIPELINE , PIPELINE_VERSION , NAMESPACE } | |
resource_key.id | The ID of the resource that referred to. | query | string | |
page_size | The number of pipeline versions to be listed per page. If there are more pipeline versions than this number, the response message will contain a nextPageToken field you can use to fetch the next page. | query | integer (int32) | |
page_token | A page token to request the next page of results. The token is acquried from the nextPageToken field of the response from the previous ListPipelineVersions call or can be omitted when fetching the first page. | query | string | |
sort_by | Can be format of “field_name”, “field_name asc” or “field_name desc” Ascending by default. | query | string | |
filter | A base-64 encoded, JSON-serialized Filter protocol buffer (see filter.proto). | query | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Adds a pipeline version to the specified pipeline.
POST /apis/v1beta1/pipeline_versions
Tags: PipelineService
Uses default content-types: application/json
ResourceReference inside PipelineVersion specifies the pipeline that this version belongs to.
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Deletes a pipeline version by pipeline version ID. If the deleted pipeline version is the default pipeline version, the pipeline’s default version changes to the pipeline’s most recent pipeline version. If there are no remaining pipeline versions, the pipeline will have no default version. Examines the run_service_api.ipynb notebook to learn more about creating a run using a pipeline version (https://github.com/kubeflow/pipelines/blob/master/tools/benchmarks/run_service_api.ipynb).
DELETE /apis/v1beta1/pipeline_versions/{version_id}
Tags: PipelineService
version_id | The ID of the pipeline version to be deleted. | path | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Gets a pipeline version by pipeline version ID.
GET /apis/v1beta1/pipeline_versions/{version_id}
Tags: PipelineService
version_id | The ID of the pipeline version to be retrieved. | path | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Returns a YAML template that contains the specified pipeline version’s description, parameters and metadata.
GET /apis/v1beta1/pipeline_versions/{version_id}/templates
Tags: PipelineService
version_id | The ID of the pipeline version whose template is to be retrieved. | path | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Finds all pipelines.
GET /apis/v1beta1/pipelines
Tags: PipelineService
page_token | A page token to request the next page of results. The token is acquried from the nextPageToken field of the response from the previous ListPipelines call. | query | string | |
page_size | The number of pipelines to be listed per page. If there are more pipelines than this number, the response message will contain a valid value in the nextPageToken field. | query | integer (int32) | |
sort_by | Can be format of “field_name”, “field_name asc” or “field_name desc” Ascending by default. | query | string | |
filter | A url-encoded, JSON-serialized Filter protocol buffer (see filter.proto). | query | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Creates a pipeline.
POST /apis/v1beta1/pipelines
Tags: PipelineService
Uses default content-types: application/json
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
POST /apis/v1beta1/pipelines/upload
Tags: PipelineUploadService
uploadfile | The pipeline to upload. Maximum size of 32MB is supported. | formData | file | |
name | query | string | ||
description | query | string |
200 OK
POST /apis/v1beta1/pipelines/upload_version
Tags: PipelineUploadService
uploadfile | The pipeline to upload. Maximum size of 32MB is supported. | formData | file | |
name | query | string | ||
pipelineid | query | string |
200 OK
Deletes a pipeline and its pipeline versions.
DELETE /apis/v1beta1/pipelines/{id}
Tags: PipelineService
id | The ID of the pipeline to be deleted. | path | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Finds a specific pipeline by ID.
GET /apis/v1beta1/pipelines/{id}
Tags: PipelineService
id | The ID of the pipeline to be retrieved. | path | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Returns a single YAML template that contains the description, parameters, and metadata associated with the pipeline provided.
GET /apis/v1beta1/pipelines/{id}/templates
Tags: PipelineService
id | The ID of the pipeline whose template is to be retrieved. | path | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Finds all runs.
GET /apis/v1beta1/runs
Tags: RunService
page_token | A page token to request the next page of results. The token is acquried from the nextPageToken field of the response from the previous ListRuns call or can be omitted when fetching the first page. | query | string | |
page_size | The number of runs to be listed per page. If there are more runs than this number, the response message will contain a nextPageToken field you can use to fetch the next page. | query | integer (int32) | |
sort_by | Can be format of “field_name”, “field_name asc” or “field_name desc” (Example, “name asc” or “id desc”). Ascending by default. | query | string | |
resource_reference_key.type | The type of the resource that referred to. | query | string , x ∈ { UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_TYPE (default) , EXPERIMENT , JOB , PIPELINE , PIPELINE_VERSION , NAMESPACE } | |
resource_reference_key.id | The ID of the resource that referred to. | query | string | |
filter | A url-encoded, JSON-serialized Filter protocol buffer (see filter.proto). | query | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Creates a new run.
POST /apis/v1beta1/runs
Tags: RunService
Uses default content-types: application/json
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Deletes a run.
DELETE /apis/v1beta1/runs/{id}
Tags: RunService
id | The ID of the run to be deleted. | path | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Archives a run.
POST /apis/v1beta1/runs/{id}:archive
Tags: RunService
id | The ID of the run to be archived. | path | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Restores an archived run.
POST /apis/v1beta1/runs/{id}:unarchive
Tags: RunService
id | The ID of the run to be restored. | path | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Finds a specific run by ID.
GET /apis/v1beta1/runs/{run_id}
Tags: RunService
run_id | The ID of the run to be retrieved. | path | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Finds a run’s artifact data.
GET /apis/v1beta1/runs/{run_id}/nodes/{node_id}/artifacts/{artifact_name}:read
Tags: RunService
run_id | The ID of the run. | path | string | |
node_id | The ID of the running node. | path | string | |
artifact_name | The name of the artifact. | path | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Re-initiates a failed or terminated run.
POST /apis/v1beta1/runs/{run_id}/retry
Tags: RunService
run_id | The ID of the run to be retried. | path | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Terminates an active run.
POST /apis/v1beta1/runs/{run_id}/terminate
Tags: RunService
run_id | The ID of the run to be terminated. | path | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
ReportRunMetrics reports metrics of a run. Each metric is reported in its own transaction, so this API accepts partial failures. Metric can be uniquely identified by (run_id, node_id, name). Duplicate reporting will be ignored by the API. First reporting wins.
POST /apis/v1beta1/runs/{run_id}:reportMetrics
Tags: RunService
Uses default content-types: application/json
run_id | Required. The parent run ID of the metric. | path | string |
Uses default content-types: application/json
200 OK
A successful response.
Schema definitions
apiCronSchedule: object
start_time: string (date-time)
end_time: string (date-time)
cron: string
apiExperiment: object
id: string
Output. Unique experiment ID. Generated by API server.
name: string
Required input field. Unique experiment name provided by user.
description: string
created_at: string (date-time)
Output. The time that the experiment created.
resource_references: object[]
Optional input field. Specify which resource this run belongs to. For Experiment, the only valid resource reference is a single Namespace.
storage_state: ExperimentStorageState
Output. Specifies whether this experiment is in archived or available state.
apiGetTemplateResponse: object
template: string
The template of the pipeline specified in a GetTemplate request, or of a pipeline version specified in a GetPipelinesVersionTemplate request.
apiJob: object
id: string
Output. Unique run ID. Generated by API server.
name: string
Required input field. Job name provided by user. Not unique.
description: string
pipeline_spec: apiPipelineSpec
Required input field. Describing what the pipeline manifest and parameters to use for the scheduled job.
resource_references: object[]
Optional input field. Specify which resource this job belongs to.
service_account: string
Optional input field. Specify which Kubernetes service account this job uses.
max_concurrency: string (int64)
trigger: apiTrigger
Required input field. Specify how a run is triggered. Support cron mode or periodic mode.
mode: JobMode
created_at: string (date-time)
Output. The time this job is created.
updated_at: string (date-time)
Output. The last time this job is updated.
status: string
error: string
In case any error happens retrieving a job field, only job ID and the error message is returned. Client has the flexibility of choosing how to handle error. This is especially useful during listing call.
enabled: boolean (boolean)
Input. Whether the job is enabled or not.
no_catchup: boolean (boolean)
Optional input field. Whether the job should catch up if behind schedule. If true, the job will only schedule the latest interval if behind schedule. If false, the job will catch up on each past interval.
apiListExperimentsResponse: object
experiments: object[]
A list of experiments returned.
total_size: integer (int32)
The total number of experiments for the given query.
next_page_token: string
The token to list the next page of experiments.
apiListJobsResponse: object
jobs: object[]
A list of jobs returned.
total_size: integer (int32)
The total number of jobs for the given query.
next_page_token: string
The token to list the next page of jobs.
apiListPipelinesResponse: object
pipelines: object[]
total_size: integer (int32)
The total number of pipelines for the given query.
next_page_token: string
The token to list the next page of pipelines.
apiListPipelineVersionsResponse: object
versions: object[]
next_page_token: string
The token to list the next page of pipeline versions.
total_size: integer (int32)
The total number of pipeline versions for the given query.
apiListRunsResponse: object
runs: object[]
total_size: integer (int32)
The total number of runs for the given query.
next_page_token: string
The token to list the next page of runs.
apiParameter: object
name: string
value: string
apiPeriodicSchedule: object
start_time: string (date-time)
end_time: string (date-time)
interval_second: string (int64)
apiPipeline: object
id: string
Output. Unique pipeline ID. Generated by API server.
created_at: string (date-time)
Output. The time this pipeline is created.
name: string
Optional input field. Pipeline name provided by user. If not specified, file name is used as pipeline name.
description: string
Optional input field. Describing the purpose of the job.
parameters: object[]
Output. The input parameters for this pipeline. TODO(jingzhang36): replace this parameters field with the parameters field inside PipelineVersion when all usage of the former has been changed to use the latter.
url: apiUrl
The URL to the source of the pipeline. This is required when creating the pipeine through CreatePipeline API. TODO(jingzhang36): replace this url field with the code_source_urls field inside PipelineVersion when all usage of the former has been changed to use the latter.
error: string
In case any error happens retrieving a pipeline field, only pipeline ID and the error message is returned. Client has the flexibility of choosing how to handle error. This is especially useful during listing call.
default_version: apiPipelineVersion
apiPipelineRuntime: object
pipeline_manifest: string
Output. The runtime JSON manifest of the pipeline, including the status of pipeline steps and fields need for UI visualization etc.
workflow_manifest: string
Output. The runtime JSON manifest of the argo workflow. This is deprecated after pipeline_runtime_manifest is in use.
apiPipelineSpec: object
pipeline_id: string
Optional input field. The ID of the pipeline user uploaded before.
pipeline_name: string
Optional output field. The name of the pipeline. Not empty if the pipeline id is not empty.
workflow_manifest: string
Optional input field. The marshalled raw argo JSON workflow. This will be deprecated when pipeline_manifest is in use.
pipeline_manifest: string
Optional input field. The raw pipeline JSON spec.
parameters: object[]
The parameter user provide to inject to the pipeline JSON. If a default value of a parameter exist in the JSON, the value user provided here will replace.
apiPipelineVersion: object
id: string
Output. Unique version ID. Generated by API server.
name: string
Optional input field. Version name provided by user.
created_at: string (date-time)
Output. The time this pipeline version is created.
parameters: object[]
Output. The input parameters for this pipeline.
code_source_url: string
Input. Optional. Pipeline version code source.
package_url: apiUrl
Input. Required. Pipeline version package url. Whe calling CreatePipelineVersion API method, need to provide one package file location.
resource_references: object[]
Input. Required. E.g., specify which pipeline this pipeline version belongs to.
apiReadArtifactResponse: object
data: string (byte)
The bytes of the artifact content.
apiRelationship: string , x ∈ { UNKNOWN_RELATIONSHIP (default) , OWNER , CREATOR }
apiReportRunMetricsRequest: object
run_id: string
Required. The parent run ID of the metric.
metrics: object[]
List of metrics to report.
apiReportRunMetricsResponse: object
results: object[]
apiResourceKey: object
type: apiResourceType
The type of the resource that referred to.
id: string
The ID of the resource that referred to.
apiResourceReference: object
key: apiResourceKey
name: string
The name of the resource that referred to.
relationship: apiRelationship
Required field. The relationship from referred resource to the object.
apiRun: object
id: string
Output. Unique run ID. Generated by API server.
name: string
Required input field. Name provided by user, or auto generated if run is created by scheduled job. Not unique.
storage_state: RunStorageState
Output. Specify whether this run is in archived or available mode.
description: string
pipeline_spec: apiPipelineSpec
Required input field. Describing what the pipeline manifest and parameters to use for the run.
resource_references: object[]
Optional input field. Specify which resource this run belongs to. When creating a run from a particular pipeline version, the pipeline version can be specified here.
service_account: string
Optional input field. Specify which Kubernetes service account this run uses.
created_at: string (date-time)
Output. The time that the run created.
scheduled_at: string (date-time)
Output. When this run is scheduled to run. This could be different from created_at. For example, if a run is from a backfilling job that was supposed to run 2 month ago, the scheduled_at is 2 month ago, v.s. created_at is the current time.
finished_at: string (date-time)
Output. The time this run is finished.
status: string
error: string
In case any error happens retrieving a run field, only run ID and the error message is returned. Client has the flexibility of choosing how to handle error. This is especially useful during listing call.
metrics: object[]
Output. The metrics of the run. The metrics are reported by ReportMetrics API.
apiRunDetail: object
run: apiRun
pipeline_runtime: apiPipelineRuntime
apiRunMetric: object
name: string
Required. The user defined name of the metric. It must between 1 and 63 characters long and must conform to the following regular expression: [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?
node_id: string
Required. The runtime node ID which reports the metric. The node ID can be found in the RunDetail.workflow.Status. Metric with same (node_id, name) are considerd as duplicate. Only the first reporting will be recorded. Max length is 128.
number_value: number (double)
The number value of the metric.
format: RunMetricFormat
The display format of metric.
apiStatus: object
error: string
code: integer (int32)
details: object[]
apiTrigger: object
Trigger defines what starts a pipeline run.
cron_schedule: apiCronSchedule
periodic_schedule: apiPeriodicSchedule
apiUrl: object
pipeline_url: string
URL of the pipeline definition or the pipeline version definition.
JobMode: string , x ∈ { UNKNOWN_MODE (default) , ENABLED , DISABLED }
Required input.
- DISABLED: The job won’t schedule any run if disabled.
protobufAny: object
contains an arbitrary serialized protocol buffer message along with a URL that describes the type of the serialized message.
Protobuf library provides support to pack/unpack Any values in the form of utility functions or additional generated methods of the Any type.
Example 1: Pack and unpack a message in C++.
Foo foo = ...;Any any;any.PackFrom(foo);...if (any.UnpackTo(&foo)) { ...}
Example 2: Pack and unpack a message in Java.
Foo foo = ...;Any any = Any.pack(foo);...if (any.is(Foo.class)) { foo = any.unpack(Foo.class);}
Example 3: Pack and unpack a message in Python.
foo = Foo(...)any = Any()any.Pack(foo)...if any.Is(Foo.DESCRIPTOR): any.Unpack(foo) ...
Example 4: Pack and unpack a message in Go
foo := &pb.Foo{...} any, err := ptypes.MarshalAny(foo) ... foo := &pb.Foo{} if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(any, foo); err != nil { ... }
The pack methods provided by protobuf library will by default use ‘type.googleapis.com/full.type.name’ as the type URL and the unpack methods only use the fully qualified type name after the last ‘/‘ in the type URL, for example “foo.bar.com/x/y.z” will yield type name “y.z”.
The JSON representation of an Any
value uses the regular representation of the deserialized, embedded message, with an additional field @type
which contains the type URL. Example:
package google.profile;message Person { string first_name = 1; string last_name = 2;}
{ "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.profile.Person", "firstName": <string>, "lastName": <string>}
If the embedded message type is well-known and has a custom JSON representation, that representation will be embedded adding a field value
which holds the custom JSON in addition to the @type
field. Example (for message [google.protobuf.Duration][]):
{ "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.protobuf.Duration", "value": "1.212s"}
type_url: string
A URL/resource name that uniquely identifies the type of the serialized protocol buffer message. The last segment of the URL’s path must represent the fully qualified name of the type (as in path/google.protobuf.Duration
). The name should be in a canonical form (e.g., leading “.” is not accepted).
In practice, teams usually precompile into the binary all types that they expect it to use in the context of Any. However, for URLs which use the scheme http
, https
, or no scheme, one can optionally set up a type server that maps type URLs to message definitions as follows:
- If no scheme is provided,
is assumed. - An HTTP GET on the URL must yield a [google.protobuf.Type][] value in binary format, or produce an error.
- Applications are allowed to cache lookup results based on the URL, or have them precompiled into a binary to avoid any lookup. Therefore, binary compatibility needs to be preserved on changes to types. (Use versioned type names to manage breaking changes.)
Note: this functionality is not currently available in the official protobuf release, and it is not used for type URLs beginning with type.googleapis.com.
Schemes other than http
, https
(or the empty scheme) might be used with implementation specific semantics.
value: string (byte)
Must be a valid serialized protocol buffer of the above specified type.
ReportRunMetricsResponseReportRunMetricResult: object
metric_name: string
Output. The name of the metric.
metric_node_id: string
Output. The ID of the node which reports the metric.
status: ReportRunMetricsResponseReportRunMetricResultStatus
Output. The status of the metric reporting.
message: string
Output. The detailed message of the error of the reporting.
ReportRunMetricsResponseReportRunMetricResultStatus: string , x ∈ { UNSPECIFIED (default) , OK , INVALID_ARGUMENT , DUPLICATE_REPORTING , INTERNAL_ERROR }
- UNSPECIFIED: Default value if not present.
- OK: Indicates successful reporting.
- INVALID_ARGUMENT: Indicates that the payload of the metric is invalid.
- DUPLICATE_REPORTING: Indicates that the metric has been reported before.
- INTERNAL_ERROR: Indicates that something went wrong in the server.
RunMetricFormat: string , x ∈ { UNSPECIFIED (default) , RAW , PERCENTAGE }
- UNSPECIFIED: Default value if not present.
- RAW: Display value as its raw format.
- PERCENTAGE: Display value in percentage format.
RunStorageState: string , x ∈ { STORAGESTATE_AVAILABLE (default) , STORAGESTATE_ARCHIVED }
Last modified 11.08.2020: Auto generated api reference (#2105) (0b869aa9)