Run and Recurring Run
Conceptual overview of runs in Kubeflow Pipelines
A run is a single execution of a pipeline. Runs comprise an immutable log ofall experiments that you attempt, and are designed to be self-contained to allowfor reproducibility. You can track the progress of a run by looking at itsdetails page on the Kubeflow Pipelines UI, where you can see the runtime graph,output artifacts, and logs for each step in the run.
A recurring run , or job in the Kubeflow Pipelines backend APIs, is a repeatable run ofa pipeline. The configuration for a recurring run includes a copy of a pipelinewith all parameter values specified and arun trigger.You can start a recurring run inside any experiment, and it will periodicallystart a new copy of the run configuration. You can enable/disable the recurringrun from the Kubeflow Pipelines UI. You can also specify the maximum number ofconcurrent runs, to limit the number of runs launched in parallel. This can behelpful if the pipeline is expected to run for a long period of time and istriggered to run frequently.
Next steps
- Read an overview of Kubeflow Pipelines.
- Follow the pipelines quickstart guideto deploy Kubeflow and run a sample pipeline directly from the KubeflowPipelines UI.