Cherry Pick

This page explains how to use shell script hack/ in kubeedge/kubeedge repo to cherry pick the patch to release branch.

Cherry Pick Settings

Before the cherry pick script is executed, need to make sure below setting is correctly set:

  1. Set environment variable GITHUB_USER

This variable is used to designated GitHub username or Orginazation name. This is the necessary for Pull Request.

  1. ## set GITHUB_USER
  2. export GITHUB_USER=<your-github-user>
  1. Install hub

As this script reply on hub to execute GitHub operations, developer must make sure it is installed.

  1. ## examine whether the hub is installed successfully
  2. which hub

If hub is not installed, please install it by referring hub installation

  1. Other environment variables setting
  • The variable DRY_RUN is used to skip git push and create PR steps, This is useful for creating patches to a release branch without making a PR. When DRY_RUN is set the script will leave you in a branch containing the commits you cherry-picked.

  • The variable REGENERATE_DOCS is used to regenerate documentation for the target branch after picking the specified commits, This is useful when picking commits containing changes to API documentation. Note: Set variable REGENERATE_DOCS may affect the cherry pick performance.

  • The variables UPSTREAM_REMOTE (default: upstream) and FORK_REMOTE (default: origin) are used to override the default remote names to what you have locally.

  1. Make sure the working repo is clean, there is no uncommitted or untracking files.
  1. ## check whether the current repo is clean
  2. git status

Execution steps

  1. Execute with parameters, at least include remote branch and pr number (could be multiple pr numbers)
  1. ## Usage of
  2. ./ <remote branch> <pr-number> ...

for example:

  1. ## examples to run
  2. ./ upstream/release-3.14 12345
  3. ./ upstream/release-3.14 12345 56789

If the number of arguments is less than 2, this script will exit with help information.

  1. Remote branch will be automatically updated to ensure it is the latest version.

  2. Script will generate new local branch and PR for cherry-pick automatically

  3. Script will start cherry-pick, if it detects conflicts or unmerged files, it will remind developer to fix the issues, and only execute until the issues fixed.

  4. After cherry-pick executed, it will remind to confirm to git push to remote branch.

  5. If developer does not want to keep the created local branches, they could be deleted manually.

  1. ## delete the created local branch
  2. git checkout ${STARTING_BRANCH} #replace variable with developer's branch
  3. git branch -D ${NEWLY_CREATED_BRANCH} #replace variable with newly created branch