Setting up Project in IntelliJ IDEA

There is a IntelliJ plugin adding a project wizard for Ktor projects.

It will configure a project for you, it will configure the ktor features for you, and will provide some sample code for them.

Using the plugin

Like this website, the plugin allows you to create a Ktor project, but with theadditional convenience of being fully integrated in the IDE and automatically setting upthe project.

Creating a new project a Ktor section will appear:

1) In a first step, you can configure the project to generate and select features to install:IntelliJ IDEA - 图1

2) In a second step, you can configure the project artifacts:IntelliJ IDEA - 图2

Installing the plugin

You can get the plugin from:

  • Plugin Website:
  • Inside IntelliJ: IntelliJ IDEAPreferences…PluginsInstall JetBrains Plugin…KtorInstall
  • IntelliJ Welcome Screen: ConfigurePluginsInstall JetBrains Plugin…KtorInstall

IntelliJ IDEA - 图3

IntelliJ IDEA - 图4IntelliJ IDEA - 图5