

Krita has one of the most powerful and capable Fill functions available. The options found in the Tool Options docker and outlined below will give you a great deal of flexibility working with layers and selections.

To get started, clicking anywhere on screen with the fill-tool will allow that area to be filed with the foreground color.


Fast Mode

This is a special mode for really fast filling. However, many functions don’t work with this mode.


Determines when the fill-tool sees another color as a border.


This value extends the shape beyond its initial size.

Feathering Radius

This value will add a soft border to the filled-shape.

Fill Entire Selection

Activating this will result in the shape filling the whole of the active selection, regardless of threshold.

4.4 新版功能:

  • Use selection as boundary

    When checked, this will count the borders of the selection as an extra boundary on top of the pixel difference.


    Left: Original selection with a line. Middle: Filled with ‘use selection as boundary’ off. Right: Filled with ‘use selection as boundary’ on.

Use Pattern

Ticking this will result in the active pattern being used.

  • Rotation

    4.4 新版功能.

    This allows you to rotate the pattern used in the fill.


    4.4 新版功能.

    This allows you to scale the pattern used in the fill.


4.3 新版功能.

Select which layers to use as a reference for the fill tool. The options are:

  • Current Layer

    Only use the currently selected layer.

    All layers

    Use all visible layers.

    Color Labeled Layers

    Use only the layers specified with a certain color label. This is useful for complex images, where you might have multiple lineart layers. Label them with the appropriate color label and use these labels to mark which layers to use as a reference.

Labels Used

4.3 新版功能.

Used with the ‘Color Labeled Layers’ option above.