
Krita is highly customizable and makes many settings and options available to customize through the Preferences area. These settings are accessed by going to Settings ‣ Configure Krita… menu item. On macOS, the settings are under the topleft menu area, as you would expect of any program under macOS.

Krita’s preferences are saved in the file kritarc. This file is located in %LOCALAPPDATA%\ on Windows, ~/.config on Linux, and ~/Library/Preferences on macOS. If you would like to back up your custom settings or synchronize them from one computer to another, you can just copy this file. It even works across platforms!

如果你从 Windows Store 安装 Krita,kritarc 文件会在不同的位置:


自定义快捷方式保存在单独的文件 “kritashortcutsrc” 中, 也可以以相同的方式进行备份。这将在“快捷方式“一章中进一步讨论。由于文档系统的限制,各个选项按照英文名进行排序。