
Selections allow you to pick a specific area of your artwork to change. This is useful when you want to move a section of the painting, transform it, or paint on it without affecting the other sections. There are many selection tools available that select in different ways. Once an area is selected, most tools will stay inside that area. On that area you can draw or use gradients to quickly get colored and/or shaded shapes with hard edges. The selections in Krita are not limited to the canvas boundary, so you can also select portions of the painting that are beyond the canvas boundary.











Click where you want each point of the Polygon to be. Double click to end your polygon and finalize your selection area. Use the Shift + Z shortcut to undo last point.

Freehand Selection Tool


freehand/Lasso tool is used for a rough selection by drawing the selection outline freehand on the canvas.






寻找与点击位置相连的颜色区域建立选区,默认仅对当前图层进行采样。使用 模糊度 选项可以羽化选区边缘。某些软件称作“魔棒”或者“连续选区”工具。



Path select an area based on a vector path, click to get sharp corners or drag to get flowing lines and close the path with the Enter key or connecting back to the first point.

Magnetic Selection Tool


Magnetic selection makes a free hand selection where the selection snaps to sharp contrasts in the image.






修饰键 (临时切换)

快捷键 (永久切换)





Replace the current selection.


Shift + Alt

Get the overlapping section of both selections.




Add the new selection to the current selection.




Subtract the selection from the current selection.

Symmetric Difference

Make a selection where both the new and current do not overlap.

You can change this in Tools Settings.

If you hover over a selection with a selection tool and no selection is activated, you can move it. To quickly go into transform mode, mouseright and select Edit Selection.


If you want to delete the entire selection, the easiest way is to deselect everything. Select ‣ Deselect. Shortcut Ctrl + Shift + A. When you have one of the selection tool active, and the mode of selection is in intersect, replace or symmetric difference then you can also deselect by just mouseleft anywhere on the canvas.


In the bottom left-hand corner of the status bar there is a button to toggle how the selection is displayed. The two display modes are the following: (Marching) Ants and Mask. The red color with Mask can be changed in the preferences. You can edit the color under Settings ‣ Configure Krita… ‣ Display ‣ Selection Overlay. If there is no selection, this button will not do anything.


蚂蚁线模式 (默认):显示选区的大致轮廓,不会干扰画面颜色,可以看清未被选中的区域。


Mask display mode is good if you are interested in seeing the various transparency levels for your selection. For example, when you have a selection with very soft edges due using feathering.

在 4.2 版更改: Mask mode is activated as well when a selection mask is the active layer so you can see the different selection levels.

全局选区蒙版 (绘制选区)

此功能会把当前选区显示为图层列表中的一个蒙版图层。要显示全局选区蒙版,点击菜单栏的 选择 ‣ 显示全局选区蒙版 。


Once the global Selection Mask is shown, you will need to create a selection. The benefit of using this is that you can paint your selection using any of the normal painting tools, including the transform and move. The information is saved as grayscale.

You can enter the global selection mask mode quickly from the selection tools by doing mouseright and select Edit Selection.


要选中一个图层的不透明区域,可在图层列表中右键单击该图层,在右键菜单中点击 选择不透明区域 。

4.2 新版功能: You can also do this for adding, subtracting and intersecting by going to Select ‣ Select Opaque, where you can find specific actions for each.

If you want to quickly select parts of layers, you can hold the Ctrl + mouseleft shortcut on the layer thumbnail. To add a selection do Ctrl + Shift + mouseleft, to remove Ctrl + Alt + mouseleft and to intersect Ctrl + Shift + Alt + mouseleft. This works with any mask that has pixel or vector data (so everything but transform masks).


Krita 可以建立两种类型的选区,它们是像素选区和矢量选区。像素选区通过更改像素信息来控制选中区域。矢量选区通过形状编辑工具来调整选区轮廓。这两种选区各有各的优点和缺点,它们也可以互相转换。


When creating a selection, you can select what type of selection you want from the Mode in the selection tool options: Pixel or Vector. By default this will be Vector.

Vector selections can be modified as any other vector shape with the 形状选择工具, if you try to paint on a vector selection mask it will be converted into a pixel selection. You can also convert vector shapes to selection. In turn, vector selections can be made from vector shapes, and vector shapes can be converted to vector selections using the options in the Selection menu. Krita will add a new vector layer for this shape.

One of the most common reasons to use vector selections is that they give you the ability to move and transform a selection without the kind of resize artifacts you get with a pixel selection. You can also use the 形状编辑工具 to change the anchor points in the selection, allowing you to precisely adjust bezier curves or add corners to rectangular selections.

如果你创建的是像素选区,你也可以把它转换成矢量选区来获得上述便利。要把像素选区转换为矢量选区,点击菜单栏的 选择 ‣转换为矢量选区 。


If you have multiple levels of transparency when you convert a selection to vector, you will lose the semi-transparent values.


  • 复制: Ctrl + C 或者 Ctrl + Ins

  • 粘贴: Ctrl + V 或者 Shift + Ins

  • 剪切: Ctrl + X 或者 Shift + Del

  • 从所有图层复制: Ctrl + Shift + C

  • 把选区内容复制到新图层: Ctrl + Alt + J

  • 把选区内容剪切到新图层: Ctrl + Shift + J

  • 切换显示/隐藏选区 – Ctrl + H

  • Select Opaque – Ctrl + mouseleft on layer thumbnail.

  • Select Opaque (Add) – Ctrl + Shift + mouseleft on layer thumbnail.

  • Select Opaque (Subtract) – Ctrl + Alt + mouseleft on layer thumbnail.

  • Select Opaque (Intersect) – Ctrl + Shift + Alt + mouseleft on layer thumbnail.