There are two main types of labels that kops can create:
become tags in AWS on the instancesNodeLabels
become labels on the k8s Node objects
Both are specified at the InstanceGroup level.
A nice use for cloudLabels is to specify AWS cost allocation tags.
A good use for nodeLabels is to implement nodeSelector labels.CloudLabels and nodeLabels are automatically applied to new nodes created by AWS EC2 auto scaling groups.
An example:
kops edit ig nodes
spot: "false"
team: me
project: ion
Note that keys and values are strings, so you need quotes around values that YAML would otherwise treat as numbers or booleans.
To apply changes, you’ll need to do a kops update cluster
and then likely a kops rolling-update cluster
For AWS if kops rolling-update cluster --instance-group nodes
returns “No rolling-update required.” thekops rolling-update cluster --force
flag can be used to force a rolling update, even when no changes are identified.
kops rolling-update cluster --instance-group nodes --force