
⚠ The Flannel CNI is not supported for Kubernetes 1.28 or later.


To install flannel - use --networking flannel-vxlan (recommended) or --networking flannel-udp (legacy). --networking flannel now selects flannel-vxlan.

  1. export ZONES=mylistofzone
  2. kops create cluster \
  3. --zones $ZONES \
  4. --networking flannel \
  5. --yes \
  6. --name myclustername.mydns.io


Configuring Flannel iptables resync period

As of kOps 1.12.0, Flannel iptables resync option is configurable via editing a cluster and adding iptablesResyncSeconds option to spec:

  1. networking:
  2. flannel:
  3. iptablesResyncSeconds: 360