Etcd Administration Tasks
Backups and restores of etcd on kops are covered in
Direct Data Access
It's not typically necessary to view or manipulate the data inside of etcd directly with etcdctl, because all operations usually go through kubectl commands. However, it can be informative during troubleshooting, or just to understand kubernetes better. Here are the steps to accomplish that on kops.
- Connect to an etcd-manager pod
- CONTAINER=$(kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep etcd-manager-main | head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')
- kubectl exec -it -n kube-system $CONTAINER bash
- Determine which version of etcd is running
- DIRNAME=$(ps -ef | grep --color=never /opt/etcd | head -n 1 | awk '{print $8}' | xargs dirname)
- echo $DIRNAME
- Run etcdctl
- ETCDCTL_API=3 $DIRNAME/etcdctl --cacert=/rootfs/etc/kubernetes/pki/kube-apiserver/etcd-ca.crt --cert=/rootfs/etc/kubernetes/pki/kube-apiserver/etcd-client.crt --key=/rootfs/etc/kubernetes/pki/kube-apiserver/etcd-client.key --endpoints= get --prefix / | tee output.txt
The contents of etcd are now in output.txt.
You may run any other etcdctl commands by replacing the "get —prefix /" with a different command.
The contents of the etcd dump are often garbled. See the next section for a better way to view the results.
Dump etcd contents in clear text
Openshift's etcdhelper is a good way of exporting the contents of etcd in a readable format. Here are the steps.
- SSH into a master node
You can view the IP addresses of the nodes
- kubectl get nodes -o wide
and then
- ssh admin@<IP-of-master-node>
- Install golang
in whatever manner you prefer. Here is one example.
- cd /usr/local
- sudo wget
- sudo tar -xvf go1.13.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
- cat <<EOT >> $HOME/.profile
- export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
- export GOPATH=\$HOME/go
- export PATH=\$GOPATH/bin:\$GOROOT/bin:\$PATH
- source $HOME/.profile
- which go
- Install etcdhelper
- mkdir -p ~/go/src/
- cd ~/go/src/
- git clone openshift
- cd openshift/tools/etcdhelper
- go build .
- sudo cp etcdhelper /usr/local/bin/etcdhelper
- which etcdhelper
- Run etcdhelper
- sudo etcdhelper -key /etc/kubernetes/pki/kube-apiserver/etcd-client.key -cert /etc/kubernetes/pki/kube-apiserver/etcd-client.crt -cacert /etc/kubernetes/pki/kube-apiserver/etcd-ca.crt -endpoint dump | tee output.txt
The output of the command is now available in output.txt
Other etcdhelper commands are possible, like "ls":
- sudo etcdhelper -key /etc/kubernetes/pki/kube-apiserver/etcd-client.key -cert /etc/kubernetes/pki/kube-apiserver/etcd-client.crt -cacert /etc/kubernetes/pki/kube-apiserver/etcd-ca.crt -endpoint ls