Description of Keys in config and cluster.spec

This list is not complete but aims to document any keys that are less than self-explanatory. Our reference provides a more detailed list of API values. ClusterSpec, defined as kind: Cluster in YAML, and InstanceGroupSpec, defined as kind: InstanceGroup in YAML, are the two top-level API values used to describe a cluster.



This object configures how we expose the API:

  • dns will allow direct access to master instances, and configure DNS to point directly to the master nodes.
  • loadBalancer will configure a load balancer (ELB) in front of the master nodes, and configure DNS to point to the ELB.

DNS example:

  1. spec:
  2. api:
  3. dns: {}

When configuring a LoadBalancer, you can also choose to have a public ELB or an internal (VPC only) ELB. The typefield should be Public or Internal.

Also, you can add precreated additional security groups to the load balancer by setting additionalSecurityGroups.

  1. spec:
  2. api:
  3. loadBalancer:
  4. type: Public
  5. additionalSecurityGroups:
  6. - sg-xxxxxxxx
  7. - sg-xxxxxxxx

Additionally, you can increase idle timeout of the load balancer by setting its idleTimeoutSeconds. The default idle timeout is 5 minutes, with a maximum of 3600 seconds (60 minutes) being allowed by AWS.For more information see configuring idle timeouts.

  1. spec:
  2. api:
  3. loadBalancer:
  4. type: Public
  5. idleTimeoutSeconds: 300

You can use a valid SSL Certificate for your API Server Load Balancer. Currently, only AWS is supported:

  1. spec:
  2. api:
  3. loadBalancer:
  4. type: Public
  5. sslCertificate: arn:aws:acm:<region>:<accountId>:certificate/<uuid>

_Openstack only_As of Kops 1.12.0 it is possible to use the load balancer internally by setting the useForInternalApi: true.This will point both masterPublicName and masterInternalName to the load balancer. You can therefore set both of these to the same value in this configuration.

  1. spec:
  2. api:
  3. loadBalancer:
  4. type: Internal
  5. useForInternalApi: true

You can also set the API load balancer to be cross-zone:

  1. spec:
  2. api:
  3. loadBalancer:
  4. crossZoneLoadBalancing: true

etcdClusters v3 & tls

Although kops doesn't presently default to etcd3, it is possible to turn on both v3 and TLS authentication for communication amongst cluster members. These options may be enabled via the cluster spec (manifests only i.e. no command line options as yet). An upfront warning; at present no upgrade path exists for migrating from v2 to v3 so DO NOT try to enable this on a v2 running cluster as it must be done on cluster creation. The below example snippet assumes a HA cluster of three masters.

  1. etcdClusters:
  2. - etcdMembers:
  3. - instanceGroup: master0-az0
  4. name: a-1
  5. - instanceGroup: master1-az0
  6. name: a-2
  7. - instanceGroup: master0-az1
  8. name: b-1
  9. enableEtcdTLS: true
  10. name: main
  11. version: 3.0.17
  12. - etcdMembers:
  13. - instanceGroup: master0-az0
  14. name: a-1
  15. - instanceGroup: master1-az0
  16. name: a-2
  17. - instanceGroup: master0-az1
  18. name: b-1
  19. enableEtcdTLS: true
  20. name: events
  21. version: 3.0.17

Note: The images for etcd that kops uses are from the Google Cloud Repository. Google doesn't release every version of etcd to the gcr. Check that the version of etcd you want to use is available at the gcr before using it in your cluster spec.

By default, the Volumes created for the etcd clusters are gp2 and 20GB each. The volume size, type and Iops( for io1) can be configured via their parameters. Conversion between gp2 and io1 is not supported, nor are size changes.

As of Kops 1.12.0 it is also possible to specify the requests for your etcd cluster members using the cpuRequest and memoryRequest parameters.

  1. etcdClusters:
  2. - etcdMembers:
  3. - instanceGroup: master-us-east-1a
  4. name: a
  5. volumeType: gp2
  6. volumeSize: 20
  7. name: main
  8. - etcdMembers:
  9. - instanceGroup: master-us-east-1a
  10. name: a
  11. volumeType: io1
  12. # WARNING: bear in mind that the Iops to volume size ratio has a maximum of 50 on AWS!
  13. volumeIops: 100
  14. volumeSize: 21
  15. name: events
  16. cpuRequest: 150m
  17. memoryRequest: 512Mi

etcd v3 and metrics

You cam expose /metrics endpoint for main and event etcd instances and control their type (basic or extensive) by defining env vars:

  1. etcdClusters:
  2. - etcdMembers:
  3. - instanceGroup: master-us-east-1a
  4. name: a
  5. name: main
  6. manager:
  7. env:
  9. value: http://__address__:8081
  10. - name: ETCD_METRICS
  11. value: basic


This array configures the CIDRs that are able to ssh into nodes. On AWS this is manifested as inbound security group rules on the nodes and master security groups.

Use this key to restrict cluster access to an office ip address range, for example.

  1. spec:
  2. sshAccess:
  3. -


This array configures the CIDRs that are able to access the kubernetes API. On AWS this is manifested as inbound security group rules on the ELB or master security groups.

Use this key to restrict cluster access to an office ip address range, for example.

  1. spec:
  2. kubernetesApiAccess:
  3. -

cluster.spec Subnet Keys


ID of a subnet to share in an existing VPC.


The resource identifier (ID) of something in your existing VPC that you would like to use as "egress" to the outside world.

This feature was originally envisioned to allow re-use of NAT gateways. In this case, the usage is as follows. Although NAT gateways are "public"-facing resources, in the Cluster spec, you must specify them in the private subnet section. One way to think about this is that you are specifying "egress", which is the default route out from this private subnet.

  1. spec:
  2. subnets:
  3. - cidr:
  4. name: us-east-1a
  5. egress: nat-987654321
  6. type: Private
  7. zone: us-east-1a
  8. - cidr:
  9. name: utility-us-east-1a
  10. id: subnet-12345
  11. type: Utility
  12. zone: us-east-1a

In the case that you don't use NAT gateways or internet gateways, Kops 1.12.0 introduced the "External" flag for egress to force kops to ignore egress for the subnet. This can be useful when other tools are used to manage egress for the subnet such as virtual private gateways. Please note that your cluster may need to have access to the internet upon creation, so egress must be available upon initializing a cluster. This is intended for use when egress is managed external to kops, typically with an existing cluster.

  1. spec:
  2. subnets:
  3. - cidr:
  4. name: us-east-1a
  5. egress: External
  6. type: Private
  7. zone: us-east-1a


The IP of an existing EIP that you would like to attach to the NAT gateway.

  1. spec:
  2. subnets:
  3. - cidr:
  4. name: us-east-1a
  5. publicIP:
  6. type: Private
  7. zone: us-east-1a


This block contains configuration for the kube-apiserver.

oidc flags for Open ID Connect Tokens

Read more about this here:

  1. spec:
  2. kubeAPIServer:
  3. oidcIssuerURL: https://your-oidc-provider.svc.cluster.local
  4. oidcClientID: kubernetes
  5. oidcUsernameClaim: sub
  6. oidcUsernamePrefix: "oidc:"
  7. oidcGroupsClaim: user_roles
  8. oidcGroupsPrefix: "oidc:"
  9. oidcCAFile: /etc/kubernetes/ssl/kc-ca.pem
  10. oidcRequiredClaim:
  11. - "key=value"

audit logging

Read more about this here:

  1. spec:
  2. kubeAPIServer:
  3. auditLogPath: /var/log/kube-apiserver-audit.log
  4. auditLogMaxAge: 10
  5. auditLogMaxBackups: 1
  6. auditLogMaxSize: 100
  7. auditPolicyFile: /srv/kubernetes/audit.yaml

Note: The auditPolicyFile is needed. If the flag is omitted, no events are logged.

You could use the fileAssets feature to push an advanced audit policy file on the master nodes.

Example policy file can be found here

dynamic audit configuration

Read more about this here:

  1. spec:
  2. kubeAPIServer:
  3. auditDynamicConfiguration: true

By enabling this feature you are allowing for auditsinks to be registered with the API server. For information on audit sinks please read Audit Sink. This feature is only supported in kubernetes versions greater than 1.13. Currently, this feature is alpha and requires enabling the feature gate and a runtime config.

Note For kubernetes versions greater than 1.13, this is an alpha feature that requires the API to be enabled as a runtime-config option, and the feature gate DynamicAuditing to be also enabled. The options —feature-gates=DynamicAuditing=true and — must be enabled on the API server in addition to this flag. See the sections for how to enable feature gates here. See the section on how to enable alphas APIs in the runtime config here.Also, an audit policy should be provided in the file assets section. If the flag is omitted, no events are logged.You could use the fileAssets feature to push an advanced audit policy file on the master nodes.

Example policy file can be found here

bootstrap tokens

Read more about this here:

  1. spec:
  2. kubeAPIServer:
  3. enableBootstrapTokenAuth: true

By enabling this feature you instructing two things;- master nodes will bypass the bootstrap token but they will build kubeconfigs with unique usernames in the system:nodes group (this ensure's the master nodes confirm with the node authorization mode secondly the nodes will be configured to use a bootstrap token located by default at /var/lib/kubelet/bootstrap-kubeconfig (though this can be override in the kubelet spec). The nodes will sit the until a bootstrap file is created and once available attempt to provision the node.

Note enabling bootstrap tokens does not provision bootstrap tokens for the worker nodes. Under this configuration it is assumed a third-party process is provisioning the tokens on behalf of the worker nodes. For the full setup please read Node Authorizer Service

Max Requests Inflight

The maximum number of non-mutating requests in flight at a given time. When the server exceeds this, it rejects requests. Zero for no limit. (default 400)

  1. spec:
  2. kubeAPIServer:
  3. maxRequestsInflight: 1000

The maximum number of mutating requests in flight at a given time. When the server exceeds this, it rejects requests. Zero for no limit. (default 200)

  1. spec:
  2. kubeAPIServer:
  3. maxMutatingRequestsInflight: 450


Keys and values here are translated into —runtime-config values for kube-apiserver, separated by commas.

Use this to enable alpha features, for example:

  1. spec:
  2. kubeAPIServer:
  3. runtimeConfig:
  4. batch/v2alpha1: "true"
  5. apps/v1alpha1: "true"

Will result in the flag —runtime-config=batch/v2alpha1=true,apps/v1alpha1=true. Note that kube-apiserver accepts true as a value for switch-like flags.


This value is passed as —service-node-port-range for kube-apiserver.

  1. spec:
  2. kubeAPIServer:
  3. serviceNodePortRange: 30000-33000

Disable Basic Auth

Support for basic authentication was removed in Kubernetes 1.19. For previous versionsof Kubernetes this will disable the passing of the —basic-auth-file flag when:

  1. spec:
  2. kubeAPIServer:
  3. disableBasicAuth: true


Memory limit for apiserver in MB (used to configure sizes of caches, etc.)

  1. spec:
  2. kubeAPIServer:
  3. targetRamMb: 4096


How long API server retains events. Note that you must fill empty units of time with zeros.

  1. spec:
  2. kubeAPIServer:
  3. eventTTL: 03h0m0s


This block contains configuration options for your external-DNS provider.The current external-DNS provider is the kops dns-controller, which can set up DNS records for Kubernetes resources.dns-controller is scheduled to be phased out and replaced with external-dns.

  1. spec:
  2. externalDns:
  3. watchIngress: true

Default kops behavior is false. watchIngress: true uses the default dns-controller behavior which is to watch the ingress controller for changes. Set this option at risk of interrupting Service updates in some cases.


This block contains configurations for kubelet. See

NOTE: Where the corresponding configuration value can be empty, fields can be set to empty in the spec, and an empty string will be passed as the configuration value. yamlspec:kubelet:resolvConf: ""

Will result in the flag —resolv-conf= being built.

Disable CPU CFS Quota

To disable CPU CFS quota enforcement for containers that specify CPU limits (default true) we have to set the flag —cpu-cfs-quota to falseon all the kubelets. We can specify that in the kubelet spec in our cluster.yml.

  1. spec:
  2. kubelet:
  3. cpuCFSQuota: false

Configure CPU CFS Period

Configure CPU CFS quota period value (cpu.cfs_period_us). Example:

  1. spec:
  2. kubelet:
  3. cpuCFSQuotaPeriod: "100ms"

Enable Custom metrics support

To use custom metrics in kubernetes as per custom metrics docwe have to set the flag —enable-custom-metrics to true on all the kubelets. We can specify that in the kubelet spec in our cluster.yml.

  1. spec:
  2. kubelet:
  3. enableCustomMetrics: true

Setting kubelet CPU management policies

Kops 1.12.0 added support for enabling cpu management policies in kubernetes as per cpu management docwe have to set the flag —cpu-manager-policy to the appropriate value on all the kubelets. This must be specified in the kubelet spec in our cluster.yml.

  1. spec:
  2. kubelet:
  3. cpuManagerPolicy: static

Setting kubelet configurations together with the Amazon VPC backend

Setting kubelet configurations together with the networking Amazon VPC backend requires to also set the cloudProvider: aws setting in this block. Example:

  1. spec:
  2. kubelet:
  3. enableCustomMetrics: true
  4. cloudProvider: aws
  5. ...
  6. ...
  7. cloudProvider: aws
  8. ...
  9. ...
  10. networking:
  11. amazonvpc: {}

Configure a Flex Volume plugin directory

An optional flag can be provided within the KubeletSpec to set a volume plugin directory (must be accessible for read/write operations), which is additionally provided to the Controller Manager and mounted in accordingly.

Kops will set this for you based off the Operating System in use:- ContainerOS: /home/kubernetes/flexvolume/- CoreOS: /var/lib/kubelet/volumeplugins/- Default (in-line with upstream k8s): /usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/volume/exec/

If you wish to override this value, it can be done so with the following addition to the kubelet spec:

  1. spec:
  2. kubelet:
  3. volumePluginDirectory: /provide/a/writable/path/here


This block contains configurations for kube-scheduler. See

yamlspec:kubeScheduler:usePolicyConfigMap: true

Will make kube-scheduler use the scheduler policy from configmap "scheduler-policy" in namespace kube-system.

Note that as of Kubernetes 1.8.0 kube-scheduler does not reload its configuration from configmap automatically. You will need to ssh into the master instance and restart the Docker container manually.


This block contains configurations for kube-dns.

yamlspec:kubeDNS:provider: KubeDNS

Specifying KubeDNS will install kube-dns as the default service discovery.

yamlspec:kubeDNS:provider: CoreDNS

This will install CoreDNS instead of kube-dns.

If you are using CoreDNS and want to use an entirely custom CoreFile you can do this by specifying the file. This will not work with any other options which interact with the default CoreFile. You can also override the version of the CoreDNS image used to use a different registry or version by specifying CoreDNSImage.

Note: If you are using this functionality you will need to be extra vigilant on version changes of CoreDNS for changes in functionality of the plugins being used etc.

  1. spec:
  2. kubeDNS:
  3. provider: CoreDNS
  4. coreDNSImage: mirror.registry.local/mirrors/coredns:1.3.1
  5. externalCoreFile: |
  6. {
  7. errors
  8. log . {
  9. class denial error
  10. }
  11. health :8084
  12. prometheus :9153
  13. proxy . {
  14. }
  15. cache 30
  16. }
  17. .:53 {
  18. errors
  19. health :8080
  20. autopath @kubernetes
  21. kubernetes cluster.local {
  22. pods verified
  23. upstream
  24. fallthrough
  25. }
  26. prometheus :9153
  27. proxy .
  28. cache 300
  29. }

Note: If you are upgrading to CoreDNS, kube-dns will be left in place and must be removed manually (you can scale the kube-dns and kube-dns-autoscaler deployments in the kube-system namespace to 0 as a starting point). The kube-dns Service itself should be left in place, as this retains the ClusterIP and eliminates the possibility of DNS outages in your cluster. If you would like to continue autoscaling, update the kube-dns-autoscaler Deployment container command for —target=Deployment/kube-dns to be —target=Deployment/coredns.

If you are using CoreDNS, you can enable NodeLocal DNSCache. It is used to improve improve the Cluster DNS performance by running a dns caching agent on cluster nodes as a DaemonSet.

  1. spec:
  2. kubeDNS:
  3. provider: CoreDNS
  4. nodeLocalDNS:
  5. enabled: true

If you are using kube-proxy in ipvs mode or Cilium as CNI, you have to set the nodeLocalDNS as ClusterDNS.

  1. spec:
  2. kubelet:
  3. clusterDNS:
  4. masterKubelet:
  5. clusterDNS:


This block contains configurations for the controller-manager.

  1. spec:
  2. kubeControllerManager:
  3. horizontalPodAutoscalerSyncPeriod: 15s
  4. horizontalPodAutoscalerDownscaleDelay: 5m0s
  5. horizontalPodAutoscalerDownscaleStabilization: 5m
  6. horizontalPodAutoscalerUpscaleDelay: 3m0s
  7. horizontalPodAutoscalerTolerance: 0.1
  8. experimentalClusterSigningDuration: 8760h0m0s

For more details on horizontalPodAutoscaler flags see the official HPA docs and the Kops guides on how to set it up.

Feature Gates

  1. spec:
  2. kubelet:
  3. featureGates:
  4. Accelerators: "true"
  5. AllowExtTrafficLocalEndpoints: "false"

Will result in the flag —feature-gates=Accelerators=true,AllowExtTrafficLocalEndpoints=false

NOTE: Feature gate ExperimentalCriticalPodAnnotation is enabled by default because some critical components like kube-proxy depend on its presence.

Some feature gates also require the featureGates setting to be used on other components - e.g. PodShareProcessNamespace requiresthe feature gate to be enabled on the api server:

  1. spec:
  2. kubelet:
  3. featureGates:
  4. PodShareProcessNamespace: "true"
  5. kubeAPIServer:
  6. featureGates:
  7. PodShareProcessNamespace: "true"

For more information, see the feature gate documentation

Compute Resources Reservation

  1. spec:
  2. kubelet:
  3. kubeReserved:
  4. cpu: "100m"
  5. memory: "100Mi"
  6. ephemeral-storage: "1Gi"
  7. kubeReservedCgroup: "/kube-reserved"
  8. systemReserved:
  9. cpu: "100m"
  10. memory: "100Mi"
  11. ephemeral-storage: "1Gi"
  12. systemReservedCgroup: "/system-reserved"
  13. enforceNodeAllocatable: "pods,system-reserved,kube-reserved"

Will result in the flag —kube-reserved=cpu=100m,memory=100Mi,ephemeral-storage=1Gi —kube-reserved-cgroup=/kube-reserved —system-reserved=cpu=100m,memory=100Mi,ephemeral-storage=1Gi —system-reserved-cgroup=/system-reserved —enforce-node-allocatable=pods,system-reserved,kube-reserved

Learn more about reserving compute resources.


On AWS, this is the id of the VPC the cluster is created in. If creating a cluster from scratch, this field does not need to be specified at create time; kops will create a VPC for you.

  1. spec:
  2. networkID: vpc-abcdefg1

More information about running in an existing VPC is here.


Hooks allow for the execution of an action before the installation of Kubernetes on every node in a cluster. For instance you can install Nvidia drivers for using GPUs. This hooks can be in the form of Docker images or manifest files (systemd units). Hooks can be placed in either the cluster spec, meaning they will be globally deployed, or they can be placed into the instanceGroup specification. Note: service names on the instanceGroup which overlap with the cluster spec take precedence and ignore the cluster spec definition, i.e. if you have a unit file 'myunit.service' in cluster and then one in the instanceGroup, only the instanceGroup is applied.

When creating a systemd unit hook using the manifest field, the hook system will construct a systemd unit file for you. It creates the [Unit] section, adding an automated description and setting Before and Requires values based on the before and requires fields. The value of the manifest field is used as the [Service] section of the unit file. To override this behavior, and instead specify the entire unit file yourself, you may specify useRawManifest: true. In this case, the contents of the manifest field will be used as a systemd unit, unmodified. The before and requires fields may not be used together with useRawManifest.

  1. spec:
  2. # many sections removed
  4. # run a docker container as a hook
  5. hooks:
  6. - before:
  7. - some_service.service
  8. requires:
  9. - docker.service
  10. execContainer:
  11. image: kopeio/nvidia-bootstrap:1.6
  12. # these are added as -e to the docker environment
  13. environment:
  14. AWS_REGION: eu-west-1
  17. # or construct a systemd unit
  18. hooks:
  19. - name: iptable-restore.service
  20. roles:
  21. - Node
  22. - Master
  23. before:
  24. - kubelet.service
  25. manifest: |
  26. EnvironmentFile=/etc/environment
  27. # do some stuff
  29. # or use a raw systemd unit
  30. hooks:
  31. - name: iptable-restore.service
  32. roles:
  33. - Node
  34. - Master
  35. useRawManifest: true
  36. manifest: |
  37. [Unit]
  38. Description=Restore iptables rules
  39. Before=kubelet.service
  40. [Service]
  41. EnvironmentFile=/etc/environment
  42. # do some stuff
  44. # or disable a systemd unit
  45. hooks:
  46. - name: update-engine.service
  47. disabled: true
  49. # or you could wrap this into a full unit
  50. hooks:
  51. - name: disable-update-engine.service
  52. before:
  53. - update-engine.service
  54. manifest: |
  55. Type=oneshot
  56. ExecStart=/usr/bin/systemctl stop update-engine.service

Install Ceph

  1. spec:
  2. # many sections removed
  3. hooks:
  4. - execContainer:
  5. command:
  6. - sh
  7. - -c
  8. - chroot /rootfs apt-get update && chroot /rootfs apt-get install -y ceph-common
  9. image: busybox

Install cachefilesd

  1. spec:
  2. # many sections removed
  3. hooks:
  4. - before:
  5. - kubelet.service
  6. manifest: |
  7. Type=oneshot
  8. ExecStart=/sbin/modprobe cachefiles
  9. name: cachefiles.service
  10. - execContainer:
  11. command:
  12. - sh
  13. - -c
  14. - chroot /rootfs apt-get update && chroot /rootfs apt-get install -y cachefilesd
  15. && chroot /rootfs sed -i s/#RUN/RUN/ /etc/default/cachefilesd && chroot /rootfs
  16. service cachefilesd restart
  17. image: busybox


FileAssets is an alpha feature which permits you to place inline file content into the cluster and instanceGroup specification. It's designated as alpha as you can probably do this via kubernetes daemonsets as an alternative.

  1. spec:
  2. fileAssets:
  3. - name: iptable-restore
  4. # Note if not path is specified the default path it /srv/kubernetes/assets/<name>
  5. path: /var/lib/iptables/rules-save
  6. roles: [Master,Node,Bastion] # a list of roles to apply the asset to, zero defaults to all
  7. content: |
  8. some file content



If you are using aws as cloudProvider, you can disable authorization of ELB security group to Kubernetes Nodes security group. In other words, it will not add security group rule.This can be useful to avoid AWS limit: 50 rules per security group.

  1. spec:
  2. cloudConfig:
  3. disableSecurityGroupIngress: true


WARNING: this works only for Kubernetes version above 1.7.0.

To avoid creating a security group per elb, you can specify security group id, that will be assigned to your LoadBalancer. It must be security group id, not name.api.loadBalancer.additionalSecurityGroups must be empty, because Kubernetes will add rules per ports that are specified in service file.This can be useful to avoid AWS limits: 500 security groups per region and 50 rules per security group.

  1. spec:
  2. cloudConfig:
  3. elbSecurityGroup: sg-123445678


WARNING: this works only for Kubernetes version above 1.11.0.

Alternative container runtimes can be used to run Kubernetes. Docker is still the default container runtime, but containerd can also be selected.

  1. spec:
  2. containerRuntime: containerd


It is possible to override the containerd daemon options for all the nodes in the cluster. See the API docs for the full list of options.

  1. spec:
  2. containerd:
  3. version: 1.3.3
  4. logLevel: info
  5. configOverride: ""


It is possible to override Docker daemon options for all masters and nodes in the cluster. See the API docs for the full list of options.


If you have a bunch of Docker instances (physical or vm) running, each time one of them pulls an image that is not present on the host, it will fetch it from the internet (DockerHub). By caching these images, you can keep the traffic within your local network and avoid egress bandwidth usage.This setting benefits not only cluster provisioning but also image pulling.

@see Cache-Mirror Dockerhub For Speed@see Configure the Docker daemon.

  1. spec:
  2. docker:
  3. registryMirrors:
  4. -

Skip Install

If you want nodeup to skip the Docker installation tasks, you can do so with:

  1. spec:
  2. docker:
  3. skipInstall: true

NOTE: When this field is set to true, it is entirely up to the user to install and configure Docker.


The Docker Storage Driver can be specified in order to override the default. Be sure the driver you choose is supported by your operating system and docker version.

  1. docker:
  2. storage: devicemapper
  3. storageOpts:
  4. - "dm.thinpooldev=/dev/mapper/thin-pool"
  5. - "dm.use_deferred_deletion=true"
  6. - "dm.use_deferred_removal=true"


In some cases, it may be desirable to use an existing AWS SSH key instead of allowing kops to create a new one.Providing the name of a key already in AWS is an alternative to —ssh-public-key.

  1. spec:
  2. sshKeyName: myexistingkey

If you want to create your instance without any SSH keys you can set this to an empty string:

  1. spec:
  2. sshKeyName: ""


Self-signed certificates towards Cloud APIs. In some cases Cloud APIs do have self-signed certificates.

  1. spec:
  2. useHostCertificates: true

Optional step: add root certificates to instancegroups root ca bundle

  1. additionalUserData:
  2. - name:
  3. type: text/x-shellscript
  4. content: |
  5. #!/bin/sh
  6. cat > /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/mycert.crt <<EOF
  7. -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
  8. snip
  9. -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  10. EOF
  11. update-ca-certificates

NOTE: update-ca-certificates is command for debian/ubuntu. That command is different depending your OS.


In some use-cases you may wish to augment the target output with extra options. target supports a minimal amount of options you can do this with. Currently only the terraform target supports this, but if other use cases present themselves, kops may eventually support more.

  1. spec:
  2. target:
  3. terraform:
  4. providerExtraConfig:
  5. alias: foo


Assets define alternative locations from where to retrieve static files and containers


The container registry enables kops / kubernetes to pull containers from a managed registry.This is useful when pulling containers from the internet is not an option, eg. because thedeployment is offline / internet restricted or because of special requirements that applyfor deployed artifacts, eg. auditing of containers.

For a use case example, see How to use kops in AWS China Region

  1. spec:
  2. assets:
  3. containerRegistry:


The container proxy is designed to acts as a pull through cache for docker container assets.Basically, what it does is it remaps the Kubernetes image URL to point to your cache so that the docker daemon will pull the image from that location.If, for example, the containerProxy is set to, the image will be pulled from instead.Note that the proxy you use has to support this feature for private registries.

  1. spec:
  2. assets:
  3. containerProxy:

Setting Custom Kernel Runtime Parameters

To add custom kernel runtime parameters to your all instance groups in thecluster, specify the sysctlParameters field as an array of strings. Eachstring must take the form of variable=value the way it would appear insysctl.conf (see also sysctl(8) manpage).

You could also use the sysctlParameters field on the instance group to specify different parameters for each instance group.

Unlike a simple file asset, specifying kernel runtime parameters in this mannerwould correctly invoke sysctl —system automatically for you to apply saidparameters.

For example:

  1. spec:
  2. sysctlParameters:
  3. - fs.pipe-user-pages-soft=524288
  4. - net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time=200

which would end up in a drop-in file on all masters and nodes of the cluster.