Monitor License Usage

Obtain information about your Kong Gateway database-backed deployment, including license usage and deployment information using the License Report module. Share this information with Kong to perform a health-check analysis of product utilization and overall deployment performance to ensure your organization is optimized with the best license and deployment plan for your needs.

How the license report module works:

  • The license report module manually generates a report containing usage and deployment data by sending a request to an endpoint, as defined below.
  • Share this report with your Kong representative to perform an analysis of your deployment.

What the license report module does not do:

  • The license report module does not automatically generate a report or send any data to any Kong servers.
  • The license report module does not track or generate any data other than the data that is returned in the response after you send a request to the endpoint.

Important: The license report functionality cannot be used in a DB-less deployment.

Generate a License Report

Run the license report module and share the output information with your Kong representative for a deployment analysis.

Prerequisites: You must have Admin privileges to generate a license report.

To generate a license report, from an HTTP client:

JSON response

TAR file

For a JSON response, send an HTTP request to the Kong node endpoint /license/report. For example, use this cURL command:

  1. curl {ADMIN_API_URL}/license/report

A JSON response returns, similar to the example below:

  1. HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  2. Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
  3. Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://localhost:8002
  4. Connection: keep-alive
  5. Content-Length: 814
  6. Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
  7. Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2021 12:04:28 GMT
  8. Server: kong/
  9. Vary: Origin
  10. X-Kong-Admin-Request-ID: R1jmopI6fjkOLdOuPJVLEmGh4sCLMpSY
  11. {
  12. "plugins_count": {
  13. "tiers": {
  14. "enterprise": {
  15. "kafka-upstream": 2,
  16. "rate-limiting-advanced": 1
  17. },
  18. "free": {
  19. "cors": 1
  20. },
  21. "custom": {
  22. }
  23. },
  24. "unique_route_lambdas": 0,
  25. "unique_route_kafkas": 1
  26. },
  27. "routes_count": 5,
  28. "timestamp": 1697013865,
  29. "license": {
  30. "license_expiration_date": "2017-7-20",
  32. },
  33. "checksum": "2935ed72e118fbaca9c09b9a6065f08a8ea40851",
  34. "counters": {
  35. "buckets": [
  36. {
  37. "bucket": "2021-09",
  38. "request_count": 30
  39. },
  40. {
  41. "bucket": "2020-10",
  42. "request_count": 42
  43. },
  44. {
  45. "bucket": "2021-11",
  46. "request_count": 296
  47. },
  48. {
  49. "bucket": "2021-12",
  50. "request_count": 58
  51. },
  52. {
  53. "bucket": "UNKNOWN",
  54. "request_count": 50
  55. }
  56. ],
  57. "total_requests": 476
  58. },
  59. "services_count": 27,
  60. "kong_version": "",
  61. "db_version": "postgres 15.2",
  62. "system_info": {
  63. "cores": 6,
  64. "uname": "Linux x86_64",
  65. "hostname": "akongnode"
  66. },
  67. "deployment_info": {
  68. "type": "traditional"
  69. },
  70. "workspaces_count": 1
  71. }

For a TAR file, enter the following cURL command to make a call to the Kong Admin API:

  1. curl {ADMIN_API_URL}/license/report -o response.json && tar -cf report-$(date +"%Y_%m_%d_%I_%M_%p").tar response.json

A license report file is generated and archived to a *.tar file.

Report Structure

countersCounts the number of requests.

buckets: Counts the number of requests made in a given month.

bucket: Year and month when the requests were processed. If the value in bucket is UNKNOWN, then the requests were processed before Kong Gateway
request_count: Number of requests processed in the given month and year.

total_requests: Number of requests processed in the buckets. i.e. total_requests is equivalent to adding up the request_count of each item in buckets.
plugins_countCounts the number of plugins in use.

tiers: Separate counts by license tiers.

free: Number of free plugins in use.
enterprise: Number of enterprise plugins in use.
custom: Number of custom plugins in use.

unique_route_lambdas: Number of awk-lambda plugin in use. Only counts in case of the plugin is defined on a service-less route level and have a unique function name.
unique_route_kafkas: Number of unique broker IPs listed in broker array across kafka-upstream plugin defined on a service-less route level.
db_versionThe type and version of the datastore Kong Gateway is using.
kong_versionThe version of the Kong Gateway instance.
licenseDisplays information about the current license running Kong Gateway instance.

license_expiration_date: The date current license expires. If no license is present, the field displays as 2017-7-20.
license_key: Current license key. If no license is present, the field displays as UNLICENSED.
rbac_usersThe number of users registered with through RBAC.
services_countThe number of configured services in the Kong Gateway instance.
routes_countThe number of configured routes in the Kong Gateway instance.
system_infoDisplays information about the system running Kong Gateway.

cores: Number of CPU cores on the node
hostname: Encrypted system hostname
uname: Operating system`
deployment_infoDisplays information about the deployment running Kong Gateway.

type: Type of the deployment mode
connected_dp_count: Number of dataplanes across the cluster. If the deployment is not hybrid mode, the field is not displayed.
timestampTimestamp of the current response.
checksumThe checksum of the current report.
workspaces_countThe number of workspaces configured in the Kong Gateway instance.