
Basic Configuration

Aside from KO_DOCKER_REPO, you can configure ko‘s behavior using a .ko.yaml file. The location of this file can be overridden with KO_CONFIG_PATH.

Overriding Base Images

By default, ko bases images on This is a small image that provides the bare necessities to run your Go binary.

You can override this base image in two ways:

  1. To override the base image for all images ko builds, add this line to your .ko.yaml file:
  1. defaultBaseImage:
  1. To override the base image for certain importpaths:
  1. baseImageOverrides:

Overriding Go build settings

By default, ko builds the binary with no additional build flags other than -trimpath. You can replace the default build arguments by providing build flags and ldflags using a GoReleaser influenced builds configuration section in your .ko.yaml.

  1. builds:
  2. - id: foo
  3. dir: . # default is .
  4. main: ./foobar/foo
  5. env:
  6. -,
  7. flags:
  8. - -tags
  9. - netgo
  10. ldflags:
  11. - -s -w
  12. - -extldflags "-static"
  13. - -X main.version={{.Env.VERSION}}
  14. - id: bar
  15. dir: ./bar
  16. main: . # default is .
  17. env:
  18. - GOCACHE=/workspace/.gocache
  19. ldflags:
  20. - -s
  21. - -w

If your repository contains multiple modules (multiple go.mod files in different directories), use the dir field to specify the directory where ko should run go build.

ko picks the entry from builds based on the import path you request. The import path is matched against the result of joining dir and main.

The paths specified in dir and main are relative to the working directory of the ko process.

The ldflags default value is [].

💡 Note: Even though the configuration section is similar to the GoReleaser builds section, only the env, flags and ldflags fields are currently supported. Also, the templating support is currently limited to using environment variables only.

Naming Images

ko provides a few different strategies for naming the image it pushes, to workaround certain registry limitations and user preferences:

Given, by default, ko build ./cmd/app will produce an image named like<md5>, which includes the MD5 hash of the full import path, to avoid collisions.

  • --preserve-import-path (-P) will include the entire importpath:
  • --base-import-paths (-B) will omit the MD5 portion:
  • --bare will only include the KO_DOCKER_REPO:

Local Publishing Options

ko is normally used to publish images to container image registries, identified by KO_DOCKER_REPO.

ko can also load images to a local Docker daemon, if available, by setting KO_DOCKER_REPO=ko.local, or by passing the --local (-L) flag.

Local images can be used as a base image for other ko images:

  1. defaultBaseImage: ko.local/example/base/image

ko can also load images into a local KinD cluster, if available, by setting KO_DOCKER_REPO=kind.local. By default this loads into the default KinD cluster name (kind). To load into another KinD cluster, set KIND_CLUSTER_NAME=my-other-cluster.