Knative Serving code samples

Use the following code samples to help you understand the various Knative Serving resources and how they can be applied across common use cases. Learn more about Knative Serving.

See all Knative code samples in GitHub.

Hello WorldA quick introduction that highlights how to deploy an app using Knative Serving.C#, Go, Java (Spark), Java (Spring), Kotlin, Node.js, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scala, Shell
Cloud EventsA quick introduction that highlights how to send and receive Cloud Events.C#, Go, Node.js, Rust, Java (Vert.x)
Traffic SplittingAn example of manual traffic splitting.YAML
Advanced DeploymentSimple blue/green-like application deployment pattern illustrating the process of updating a live application without dropping any traffic.YAML
AutoscaleA demonstration of the autoscaling capabilities of Knative.Go
Github WebhookA simple webhook handler that demonstrates interacting with Github.Go
gRPCA simple gRPC server.Go
Knative RoutingAn example of mapping multiple Knative services to different paths under a single domain name using the Istio VirtualService concept.Go
Kong RoutingAn example of mapping multiple Knative services to different paths under a single domain name using the Kong API gateway.Go
Knative SecretsA simple app that demonstrates how to use a Kubernetes secret as a Volume in Knative.Go
Multi ContainerA quick introduction that highlights how to build and deploy an app using Knative Serving for multiple containers.Go