ResetOffset Example

Kafka-backed Channels differ from other Channel implementations because they provide temporal persistence of events.

Event persistence enables certain advanced use cases to be supported, such as the ability to replay prior events by repositioning their current location in the event stream. This feature is useful when attempting to recover from unexpected Subscriber downtime.

The ResetOffset custom resource definition (CRD) exposes the ability to manipulate the location of the ConsumerGroup Offsets in the event stream of a given Knative Subscription. Without the ResetOffset CRD, you must manually stop ConsumerGroups and manipulate the Offsets.


ResetOffsets are currently only supported by the Distributed KafkaChannel implementation.


Repositioning the ConsumerGroup Offsets impacts the event ordering and is intended for failure recovery scenarios. This capability needs to be used with caution only after reviewing the CRD documentation.



The ResetOffset CRD is a single-use operation, and should be deleted from the cluster once it has been executed.

Repositioning offsets to the oldest available event

The following ResetOffset instance moves the offsets back to the oldest available event in the Kafka Topic retention window:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: ResetOffset
  3. metadata:
  4. name: <resetoffset-name>
  5. namespace: <namespace>
  6. spec:
  7. offset:
  8. time: earliest
  9. ref:
  10. apiVersion:
  11. kind: Subscription
  12. namespace: <subscription-namespace>
  13. name: <subscription-name>


  • <resetoffset-name> is the name of the ResetOffset CRD.
  • <namespace> is the namespace where you want to create the ResetOffset CRD.
  • <subscription-namespace> is the namespace where your Subscription exists.
  • <subscription-name> is the name of the Subscription.

Repositioning offsets to a specific point in the event stream

The following ResetOffset instance moves the offsets back to the specified point in the Kafka Topic retention window.

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: ResetOffset
  3. metadata:
  4. name: <resetoffset-name>
  5. namespace: <namespace>
  6. spec:
  7. offset:
  8. time: <offset-time>
  9. ref:
  10. apiVersion:
  11. kind: Subscription
  12. namespace: <subscription-namespace>
  13. name: <subscription-name>


  • <resetoffset-name> is the name of the ResetOffset CRD.
  • <offset-time> is the specified offset time. You will need to set an RFC3339 timestamp relative to your use case, for example "2021-06-17T17:30:00Z".
  • <namespace> is the namespace where you want to create the ResetOffset CRD.
  • <subscription-namespace> is the namespace where your Subscription exists.
  • <subscription-name> is the name of the Subscription.