Setting up custom ingress gateway

Knative uses a shared ingress Gateway to serve all incoming traffic within Knative service mesh, which is the knative-ingress-gateway Gateway under knative-serving namespace. By default, we use Istio gateway service istio-ingressgateway under istio-system namespace as its underlying service. You can replace the service with that of your own as follows.

Step 1: Create Gateway Service and Deployment Instance

You’ll need to create the gateway service and deployment instance to handle traffic first. The simplest way should be making a copy of the Gateway service template in Istio release.

Here is an example:

  1. apiVersion: v1
  2. kind: Service
  3. metadata:
  4. name: custom-ingressgateway
  5. namespace: istio-system
  6. annotations:
  7. labels:
  8. chart: gateways-1.0.1
  9. release: RELEASE-NAME
  10. heritage: Tiller
  11. app: custom-ingressgateway
  12. custom: ingressgateway
  13. spec:
  14. type: LoadBalancer
  15. selector:
  16. app: custom-ingressgateway
  17. custom: ingressgateway
  18. ports:
  19. - name: http2
  20. nodePort: 32380
  21. port: 80
  22. targetPort: 80
  23. - name: https
  24. nodePort: 32390
  25. port: 443
  26. - name: tcp
  27. nodePort: 32400
  28. port: 31400
  29. - name: tcp-pilot-grpc-tls
  30. port: 15011
  31. targetPort: 15011
  32. - name: tcp-citadel-grpc-tls
  33. port: 8060
  34. targetPort: 8060
  35. - name: tcp-dns-tls
  36. port: 853
  37. targetPort: 853
  38. - name: http2-prometheus
  39. port: 15030
  40. targetPort: 15030
  41. - name: http2-grafana
  42. port: 15031
  43. targetPort: 15031
  44. ---
  45. # This is the corresponding deployment to back the gateway service
  46. apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
  47. kind: Deployment
  48. metadata:
  49. name: custom-ingressgateway
  50. namespace: istio-system
  51. labels:
  52. chart: gateways-1.0.1
  53. release: RELEASE-NAME
  54. heritage: Tiller
  55. app: custom-ingressgateway
  56. custom: ingressgateway
  57. spec:
  58. replicas: 1
  59. selector:
  60. matchLabels:
  61. app: custom-ingressgateway
  62. custom: ingressgateway
  63. template:
  64. metadata:
  65. labels:
  66. app: custom-ingressgateway
  67. custom: ingressgateway
  68. annotations:
  69. "false"
  70. ""
  71. spec:
  72. serviceAccountName: istio-ingressgateway-service-account
  73. containers:
  74. - name: istio-proxy
  75. image: ""
  76. imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  77. ports:
  78. - containerPort: 80
  79. - containerPort: 443
  80. - containerPort: 31400
  81. - containerPort: 15011
  82. - containerPort: 8060
  83. - containerPort: 853
  84. - containerPort: 15030
  85. - containerPort: 15031
  86. args:
  87. - proxy
  88. - router
  89. - -v
  90. - "2"
  91. - --discoveryRefreshDelay
  92. - "1s" #discoveryRefreshDelay
  93. - --drainDuration
  94. - "45s" #drainDuration
  95. - --parentShutdownDuration
  96. - "1m0s" #parentShutdownDuration
  97. - --connectTimeout
  98. - "10s" #connectTimeout
  99. - --serviceCluster
  100. - custom-ingressgateway
  101. - --zipkinAddress
  102. - zipkin:9411
  103. - --statsdUdpAddress
  104. - istio-statsd-prom-bridge:9125
  105. - --proxyAdminPort
  106. - "15000"
  107. - --controlPlaneAuthPolicy
  108. - NONE
  109. - --discoveryAddress
  110. - istio-pilot:8080
  111. resources:
  112. requests:
  113. cpu: 10m
  114. env:
  115. - name: POD_NAME
  116. valueFrom:
  117. fieldRef:
  118. apiVersion: v1
  119. fieldPath:
  120. - name: POD_NAMESPACE
  121. valueFrom:
  122. fieldRef:
  123. apiVersion: v1
  124. fieldPath: metadata.namespace
  125. - name: INSTANCE_IP
  126. valueFrom:
  127. fieldRef:
  128. apiVersion: v1
  129. fieldPath: status.podIP
  130. - name: ISTIO_META_POD_NAME
  131. valueFrom:
  132. fieldRef:
  133. fieldPath:
  134. volumeMounts:
  135. - name: istio-certs
  136. mountPath: /etc/certs
  137. readOnly: true
  138. - name: ingressgateway-certs
  139. mountPath: "/etc/istio/ingressgateway-certs"
  140. readOnly: true
  141. - name: ingressgateway-ca-certs
  142. mountPath: "/etc/istio/ingressgateway-ca-certs"
  143. readOnly: true
  144. volumes:
  145. - name: istio-certs
  146. secret:
  147. secretName: istio.istio-ingressgateway-service-account
  148. optional: true
  149. - name: ingressgateway-certs
  150. secret:
  151. secretName: "istio-ingressgateway-certs"
  152. optional: true
  153. - name: ingressgateway-ca-certs
  154. secret:
  155. secretName: "istio-ingressgateway-ca-certs"
  156. optional: true
  157. affinity:
  158. nodeAffinity:
  159. requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
  160. nodeSelectorTerms:
  161. - matchExpressions:
  162. - key:
  163. operator: In
  164. values:
  165. - amd64
  166. - ppc64le
  167. - s390x
  168. preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
  169. - weight: 2
  170. preference:
  171. matchExpressions:
  172. - key:
  173. operator: In
  174. values:
  175. - amd64
  176. - weight: 2
  177. preference:
  178. matchExpressions:
  179. - key:
  180. operator: In
  181. values:
  182. - ppc64le
  183. - weight: 2
  184. preference:
  185. matchExpressions:
  186. - key:
  187. operator: In
  188. values:
  189. - s390x

Step 2: Update Knative Gateway

Update gateway instance knative-ingress-gateway under knative-serving namespace:

  1. kubectl edit gateway knative-ingress-gateway -n knative-serving

Replace the label selector with the label of your service:

  1. istio: ingressgateway

For the service above, it should be updated to:

  1. custom: ingressgateway

If there is a change in service ports (compared with that of istio-ingressgateway), update the port info in the gateway accordingly.

Step 3: Update Gateway Configmap

Update gateway configmap config-istio under knative-serving namespace:

  1. kubectl edit configmap config-istio -n knative-serving

Replace the ingress-gateway field with the fully qualified url of your service. For the service above, it should be updated to:

  1. custom-ingressgateway.istio-system.svc.cluster.local