Project Scope

This document outlines some scoping and major priorities for kind.

See also: the 1.0 roadmap, and the 1.0 tracking milestone.

Priorities (from greatest to least)

P-1: Bootstrapping the kind Project Itself


  • kind maintainers
  • kind contributors

Covered Work:

  • Releases & tooling
  • Automated image publishing
  • Documentation bootstrapping (IE this site)
  • Enough Kubernetes testing to test kind itself (Kubernetes Conformance tests)
  • Setting up linters and other tools to verify quality
  • Setting up a recurring subproject meeting

P0: Support Testing Kubernetes


Covered Work:

  • Limited workloads / e2e testing
  • Cluster bring-up (IE kubeadm)
  • Kubernetes build (and currently install, but that may be problematic for cross-platform #166)
  • Node skew, client skew (kubectl / e2e versions)
  • Image publishing
  • Kubernetes CI tooling and jobs
  • Most everything in the 1.0 roadmap

P1: Support Testing Kubernetes Applications

Stakeholders: Various projects both inside & outside the Kubernetes Org.

Covered Work:

Most of the necessary work should be covered under P1: Support Testing Kubernetes Applications, however there is some additional work.

  • Improve “kind as a library”
    • better and more controllable logging
    • generally more control over output
    • example usage & documentation
    • better / tighter API contracts
  • Most of the rest should be covered by improving “kind the binary” outlined above

P2: Provide Cheap Bootstrap Clusters for the Cluster-API


P3: Extended Testing Not Covered Above


  • Indeterminate / many

Possibly supporting various things that we cannot reasonably test today including:

  • “node” tests, e.g. reboot
  • Upgrades, downgrades
  • Anything depending on ingress
  • Anything depending on persistent storage / PVs
  • Testing the cluster-api proper with some sort of machine provisioning
  • Device plugin, e.g. GPU

Several of these make sense but are not possible with the current tooling and will require a reasonable amount of design and thought to do well. Some of them may not be solve-able in a good way, but are at least technologically feasible to explore.

Out of Scope

Some things we can likely never cover in a reasonable way:

  • Cloud provider / CCM
  • Some of the node testing (which portions exactly is currently unclear)
  • Being an alternative to “docker compose” etc.
  • Replacing Phippy ❤️ 🦒 ❤️