KiCad 简介

KiCad is an open-source software suite for creating electronic circuit schematics, printed circuit boards (PCBs), and associated part descriptions. KiCad supports an integrated design workflow in which a schematic and corresponding PCB are designed together, as well as standalone workflows for special uses. KiCad also includes several utilities to help with circuit and PCB design, including a PCB calculator for determining electrical properties of circuit structures, a Gerber viewer for inspecting manufacturing files, a 3D viewer for visualizing the finished PCB, and an integrated SPICE simulator for inspecting circuit behavior.

KiCad runs on all major operating systems and a wide range of computer hardware. It supports PCBs with up to 32 copper layers and is suitable for creating designs of all complexities. KiCad is developed by a volunteer team of software and electrical engineers around the world with a mission of creating free and open-source electronics design software suitable for professional designers.

KiCad 的最新文档可在。

下载和安装 KiCad

KiCad 可在许多操作系统上运行,包括微软 Windows、苹果 macOS 和许多主要的 Linux 发行版。

You can find the most up to date instructions and download links at These instructions are not included in this manual as they may change over time with the release of operating system updates.

根据 KiCad稳定发布政策,KiCad 的稳定发布会定期进行。新的功能正在不断地被添加到开发分支中。如果你想利用这些新功能,并通过测试它们来提供帮助,请下载你的平台的最新夜间构建包。夜间构建可能会引入一些错误,如文件损坏、生成不良 Gerbers 等,但 KiCad 开发团队的目标是在新功能开发期间尽可能保持开发分支的可用性。

