Webhook action

The Webhook action type uses axios to send a POST or PUT request to a web service.

Connector configuration

Webhook connectors have the following configuration properties:


The name of the connector. The name is used to identify a connector in the management UI connector listing, or in the connector list when configuring an action.


The request URL. If you are using the xpack.actions.whitelistedHosts setting, make sure the hostname is whitelisted.


HTTP request method, either post(default) or put.


A set of key-value pairs sent as headers with the request


An optional username. If set, HTTP basic authentication is used. Currently only basic authentication is supported.


An optional password. If set, HTTP basic authentication is used. Currently only basic authentication is supported.

Preconfigured action type

  1. my-webhook:
  2. name: preconfigured-webhook-action-type
  3. actionTypeId: .webhook
  4. config:
  5. url: https://test.host
  6. method: POST
  7. headers:
  8. testheader: testvalue
  9. secrets:
  10. user: testuser
  11. password: passwordkeystorevalue

config defines the action type specific to the configuration and contains the following properties:


A URL string that corresponds to URL.


A string that corresponds to Method.


A record<string, string> that corresponds to Headers.

secrets defines sensitive information for the action type:


A string that corresponds to User.


A string that corresponds to Password. Should be stored in the Kibana keystore.

Action configuration

Webhook actions have the following properties:


A json payload sent to the request URL.

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