APM reader user
Full APM reader
APM reader users typically need to view the APM app, dashboards, and visualizations that contain APM data. These users might also need to create and edit dashboards, visualizations, and machine learning jobs.
Assign the following built-in roles:
Role Purpose kibana_admin
Grants access to all features in Kibana.
Grants the privileges required for APM users on
Grants the privileges required to create, update, and view machine learning jobs
Partial APM reader
In some instances, you may wish to restrict certain Kibana apps that a user has access to.
Assign the following built in roles:
Role Purpose apm_user
Grants the privileges required for APM users on
indicesAssign space privileges to any Kibana space that the user needs access to. Here are two examples:
Type Privilege Purpose Spaces
on the APM appAllow the use of the the APM app
on Dashboards, Visualize, and DiscoverAllow the user to view, edit, and create dashboards, as well as browse data.
Finally, assign the following role if a user needs to enable and edit machine learning features:
Role Purpose machine_learning_admin
Grants the privileges required to create, update, and view machine learning jobs