K3d image import - 图1

K3d image import

k3d image import

Import image(s) from docker into k3d cluster(s).


Import image(s) from docker into k3d cluster(s).

If an IMAGE starts with the prefix ‘docker.io/’, then this prefix is stripped internally. That is, ‘docker.io/k3d-io/k3d-tools:latest’ is treated as ‘k3d-io/k3d-tools:latest’.

If an IMAGE starts with the prefix ‘library/’ (or ‘docker.io/library/’), then this prefix is stripped internally. That is, ‘library/busybox:latest’ (or ‘docker.io/library/busybox:latest’) are treated as ‘busybox:latest’.

If an IMAGE does not have a version tag, then ‘:latest’ is assumed. That is, ‘k3d-io/k3d-tools’ is treated as ‘k3d-io/k3d-tools:latest’.

A file ARCHIVE always takes precedence. So if a file ‘./k3d-io/k3d-tools’ exists, k3d will try to import it instead of the IMAGE of the same name.

  1. k3d image import [IMAGE | ARCHIVE [IMAGE | ARCHIVE...]] [flags]


  1. -c, --cluster stringArray Select clusters to load the image to. (default [k3s-default])
  2. -h, --help help for import
  3. -k, --keep-tarball Do not delete the tarball containing the saved images from the shared volume
  4. -t, --keep-tools Do not delete the tools node after import
  5. -m, --mode string Which method to use to import images into the cluster [auto, direct, tools]. See https://k3d.io/usage/guides/importing_images/ (default "tools-node")

Options inherited from parent commands

  1. --timestamps Enable Log timestamps
  2. --trace Enable super verbose output (trace logging)
  3. --verbose Enable verbose output (debug logging)


Last update: March 26, 2022