mdtest 基准测试


使用 mdtest,分别在 JuiceFS、EFSS3FS 上执行元数据性能测试。


以下测试使用 mdtest 3.4。 调整 mdtest 的参数以确保命令可以在 5 分钟内完成。

  1. ./mdtest -d /s3fs/mdtest -b 6 -I 8 -z 2
  2. ./mdtest -d /efs/mdtest -b 6 -I 8 -z 4
  3. ./mdtest -d /jfs/mdtest -b 6 -I 8 -z 4


在下面的测试结果中,所有 mdtest 均在亚马逊云 c5.large EC2 实例(2 CPU,4G RAM),Ubuntu 18.04 LTS(Kernel 5.4.0)系统上进行,JuiceFS 使用的 Redis(4.0.9版本)实例运行在相同区域的 c5.large EC2 实例上。

JuiceFS 挂载命令:

  1. ./juicefs format --storage=s3 --bucket=https://<BUCKET>.s3.<REGION> localhost benchmark
  2. nohup ./juicefs mount localhost /jfs &

EFS 挂载命令 (与配置说明保持一致):

  1. mount -t nfs -o nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2,noresvport, <EFS-ID>.efs.<REGION> /efs

S3FS (version 1.82) 挂载命令:

  1. s3fs <BUCKET>:/s3fs /s3fs -o host=https://s3.<REGION>,endpoint=<REGION>,passwd_file=${HOME}/.passwd-s3fs


Metadata Benchmark


  1. mdtest-3.4.0+dev was launched with 1 total task(s) on 1 node(s)
  2. Command line used: ./mdtest '-d' '/s3fs/mdtest' '-b' '6' '-I' '8' '-z' '2'
  3. WARNING: Read bytes is 0, thus, a read test will actually just open/close.
  4. Path : /s3fs/mdtest
  5. FS : 256.0 TiB Used FS: 0.0% Inodes: 0.0 Mi Used Inodes: -nan%
  6. Nodemap: 1
  7. 1 tasks, 344 files/directories
  8. SUMMARY rate: (of 1 iterations)
  9. Operation Max Min Mean Std Dev
  10. --------- --- --- ---- -------
  11. Directory creation : 5.977 5.977 5.977 0.000
  12. Directory stat : 435.898 435.898 435.898 0.000
  13. Directory removal : 8.969 8.969 8.969 0.000
  14. File creation : 5.696 5.696 5.696 0.000
  15. File stat : 68.692 68.692 68.692 0.000
  16. File read : 33.931 33.931 33.931 0.000
  17. File removal : 23.658 23.658 23.658 0.000
  18. Tree creation : 5.951 5.951 5.951 0.000
  19. Tree removal : 9.889 9.889 9.889 0.000


  1. mdtest-3.4.0+dev was launched with 1 total task(s) on 1 node(s)
  2. Command line used: ./mdtest '-d' '/efs/mdtest' '-b' '6' '-I' '8' '-z' '4'
  3. WARNING: Read bytes is 0, thus, a read test will actually just open/close.
  4. Path : /efs/mdtest
  5. FS : 8388608.0 TiB Used FS: 0.0% Inodes: 0.0 Mi Used Inodes: -nan%
  6. Nodemap: 1
  7. 1 tasks, 12440 files/directories
  8. SUMMARY rate: (of 1 iterations)
  9. Operation Max Min Mean Std Dev
  10. --------- --- --- ---- -------
  11. Directory creation : 192.301 192.301 192.301 0.000
  12. Directory stat : 1311.166 1311.166 1311.166 0.000
  13. Directory removal : 213.132 213.132 213.132 0.000
  14. File creation : 179.293 179.293 179.293 0.000
  15. File stat : 915.230 915.230 915.230 0.000
  16. File read : 371.012 371.012 371.012 0.000
  17. File removal : 217.498 217.498 217.498 0.000
  18. Tree creation : 187.906 187.906 187.906 0.000
  19. Tree removal : 218.357 218.357 218.357 0.000


  1. mdtest-3.4.0+dev was launched with 1 total task(s) on 1 node(s)
  2. Command line used: ./mdtest '-d' '/jfs/mdtest' '-b' '6' '-I' '8' '-z' '4'
  3. WARNING: Read bytes is 0, thus, a read test will actually just open/close.
  4. Path : /jfs/mdtest
  5. FS : 1024.0 TiB Used FS: 0.0% Inodes: 10.0 Mi Used Inodes: 0.0%
  6. Nodemap: 1
  7. 1 tasks, 12440 files/directories
  8. SUMMARY rate: (of 1 iterations)
  9. Operation Max Min Mean Std Dev
  10. --------- --- --- ---- -------
  11. Directory creation : 1416.582 1416.582 1416.582 0.000
  12. Directory stat : 3810.083 3810.083 3810.083 0.000
  13. Directory removal : 1115.108 1115.108 1115.108 0.000
  14. File creation : 1410.288 1410.288 1410.288 0.000
  15. File stat : 5023.227 5023.227 5023.227 0.000
  16. File read : 3487.947 3487.947 3487.947 0.000
  17. File removal : 1163.371 1163.371 1163.371 0.000
  18. Tree creation : 1503.004 1503.004 1503.004 0.000
  19. Tree removal : 1119.806 1119.806 1119.806 0.000