
The stdio adapter enables Istio to output logs and metrics tothe local machine. Logs and metrics can be directed to Mixer’sstandard output stream, standard error stream, or to any locallyreachable file. When outputting to files, you can enable file rotationsuch that the adapter will automatically manage a set of file backupsas data is generated.

This adapter supports the logentry template.and the metric template.


Configuration format for the stdio adapter

logStreamStreamSelects which standard stream to write to for log entries.STDERR is the default Stream.No
severityLevelsmap<string, Level>Maps from severity strings as specified in LogEntry instances tothe set of levels supported by this adapter. This defaults to a map of
  1. "INFORMATIONAL" : INFO,"informational" : INFO,"INFO" : INFO,"info" : INFO,"WARNING" : WARNING,"warning" : WARNING,"WARN": WARNING,"warning": WARNING,"ERROR": ERROR,"error": ERROR,"ERR": ERROR,"err": ERROR,"FATAL": ERROR,"fatal": ERROR,
metricLevelLevelThe level to assign to metrics being output. Defaults to INFO.No
outputAsJsonboolWhether to output a console-friendly or json-friendly format. Defaults to true.No
outputLevelLevelThe minimum level to output, anything less than this level is ignored. Defaults to INFO (everything).No
outputPathstringThe file system path when outputting to a file or rotating file.When using rotated log files, this path is used as a foundational path. This is where logoutput is normally saved. When a rotation needs to take place because the file got too bigor too old, then the file is renamed by appending a timestamp to the name. Such renamedfiles are called backups. Once a backup has been created, output resumes to this path.No
maxMegabytesBeforeRotationint32The maximum size in megabytes of a log file before it getsrotated. It defaults to 100 megabytes.No
maxDaysBeforeRotationint32The maximum number of days to retain old rotated log files based on thetimestamp encoded in their filename. Note that a day is defined as 24hours and may not exactly correspond to calendar days due to daylightsavings, leap seconds, etc. The default is to remove log filesolder than 30 days. 0 indicates no limit.No
maxRotatedFilesint32The maximum number of old rotated log files to retain. The defaultis to retain at most 1000 logs. 0 indicates no limit.No


Importance level for individual items output by this adapter.

INFOinformational, warning, and error log messages are included
WARNINGwarning and error log messges are included
ERRORonly error log messages are included


Stream is used to select between different log output sinks.

STDOUTOutput to the Mixer process’ standard output stream. This is the default value.
STDERROutput to the Mixer process’ standard error stream.
FILEOutput to a specific file.
ROTATED_FILEOutput to a specific rotating file, controlled by the various file rotation options.