Memory quota

The memquota adapter can be used to support Istio’s quota managementsystem. Although functional, this adapter is not intended for productionuse and is suited for local testing only. The reason for this limitationis that this adapter can only be used in meshes where there is a singleinstance of Mixer running for the whole mesh (i.e. non-HA configuration)and if that single instance crashes, all outstanding quota values willbe lost.

This adapter supports the quota template.


Configuration format for the memquota adapter.

quotasQuota[]The set of known quotas.No
minDeduplicationDurationDurationMinimum number of seconds that deduplication is possible for a given operation.No


Defines an override value for a quota. If no override matchesa particular quota request, the default for the quota is used.

dimensionsmap<string, string>The specific dimensions for which this override applies.String representation of instance dimensions is used to check against configured dimensions.No
maxAmountint64The upper limit for this quota.No
validDurationDurationThe amount of time allocated quota remains valid before it isautomatically released. This is only meaningful for rate limitquotas, otherwise the value must be zero.No


Defines a quota’s limit and duration.

namestringThe name of the quotaNo
maxAmountint64The upper limit for this quota.No
validDurationDurationThe amount of time allocated quota remains valid before it isautomatically released. This is only meaningful for rate limitquotas, otherwise the value must be zero.No
overridesOverride[]Overrides associated with this quota.The first matching override is applied.No