Setup a Local Computer

This is work in progress. We will add its sections in pieces. Your feedback is welcome at

In this module you prepare your local computer for the tutorial.

  • On your local computer, locate the ${NAMESPACE}-user-config.yaml file youcreated earlier in the tutorial, where ${NAMESPACE} is the name of yournamespace. For example tutorial-user-config.yaml.

  • Install curl.

  • Install Node.js.

  • Install Docker.

  • Install kubectl.

  • Set the KUBECONFIG environment variable for the ${NAMESPACE}-user-config.yamlconfiguration file:

  1. $ export KUBECONFIG=./${NAMESPACE}-user-config.yaml
  • Verify that the configuration took effect by printing the current namespace:
  1. $ kubectl config view -o jsonpath="{.contexts[?(\"$(kubectl config current-context)\")].context.namespace}"
  2. tutorial

You should see the name of your namespace in the output.

  • Download one of the Istio release archives and extractthe istioctl command line tool from the bin directory, and verify that youcan run istioctl with the following command:
  1. $ istioctl version
  2. version.BuildInfo{Version:"release-1.1-20190214-09-16", GitRevision:"6113e155ac85e2485e30dfea2b80fd97afd3130a", User:"root", Host:"4496ae63-3039-11e9-86e9-0a580a2c0304", GolangVersion:"go1.10.4", DockerHub:"", BuildStatus:"Clean", GitTag:"1.1.0-snapshot.6-6-g6113e15"}

Congratulations, you configured your local computer!

You are ready to run a single service locally.