Serving data from Context
SendFile(filename string, destinationName string) error
SendFileWithRate(src, destName string, limit float64, burst int) error
Force-Send a file to the client:
func handler(ctx iris.Context) {
src := "./files/"
ctx.SendFile(src, "")
Limit download speed to ~50Kb/s with a burst of 100KB:
func handler(ctx iris.Context) {
src := "./files/"
// optionally, keep it empty to resolve the filename based on the "src".
dest := ""
limit := 50.0 * iris.KB
burst := 100 * iris.KB
ctx.SendFileWithRate(src, dest, limit, burst)
ServeContent(content io.ReadSeeker, filename string, modtime time.Time)
ServeContentWithRate(content io.ReadSeeker, filename string, modtime time.Time, limit float64, burst int)
ServeFile(filename string) error
ServeFileWithRate(filename string, limit float64, burst int) error
func handler(ctx iris.Context) {